Title: High-level paper writing and publication
Speaker: Prof. Jiuh-Biing Sheu
Editor-in-Chief, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review
Associate Editor, Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics
Editorial Board, Industrial Marketing Management
Distinguished Professor, Department of Business Administration, National Taiwan University
Time: 14:00-16:00, Jun. 15, 2018 (Friday)
ADD: The 2nd meeting room, the 4th floor, Business School, USST
Inviter: Prof. Xizhao Zhou
Professor Sheu has published over eighty refereed journal articles in academic journals, including Transportation Research Parts A, B, C, E, F, Transportation Science, and Production and Operations Management, with a half of them by singly authored. His research areas cover Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), Emergency Logistics, Green Supply Chain Management, Business-to-Business Relationship Marketing, Quantum Optical Flow Theory and its Applications in ITS, Behavioral Operations Management, Green Marketing, Affect Science and Cognition in Decision Science.
He received Outstanding Researcher Awards from Ministry of Technology of Taiwan in 2006, 2012, and 2015; Outstanding Young Researcher Project, National Science Council, Taiwan (2011-2015); Outstanding Scholar Research Project, National Science Council, Taiwan (2008-2011); Outstanding Researcher Award, National Chiao Tung University (2004) and Da-You Wu Outstanding Junior Researcher Award, National Science Council, Taiwan in 2003. Additionally, Professor Sheu is awarded Shanghai Eastern-Scholar Chair Professor (2013), One Thousand Person Project of Shanghai (2013), and Chair Professor of Chang Jiang Scholars Program of China (2016).