报告题目:Constant-Order Policies for Lost-Sales Inventory Models with Random Supply Functions: Asymptotics and Heuristic
报告摘要:We consider an infinite-horizon lost-sales inventory model where the supply takes positive lead time and is a random function of the order quantity (e.g., random yield/capacity). The optimal policy for this model is computationally intractable; and no heuristic has been proposed in the literature. In this paper, we focus on a simple class of constant-order policies (COP) that place the same order in every period, regardless of the system state. Under some assumptions on the random supply function, we prove that the best COP is asymptotically optimal with large lead times and the optimality gap converges to zero exponentially fast in the lead time. We also prove that, if the mean supply capacity is less than the mean demand, then the best COP is also asymptotically optimal with large penalty cost; otherwise, the long-run average cost of the best COP asymptotically increases at the rate of square-root of the penalty cost. Further, we construct a simple heuristic COP and show that it performs very close to the best COP. Finally, we provide a numerical study to derive further insights into the performance of the best COP. (Joint work with Jinzhi Bu (CUHK) and Xiting Gong (CUHK))
报告人简介:姚大成,中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院副研究员,博士生导师,主要从事库存管理、随机最优化、最优控制等方面的研究,先后主持国家自然科学基金青年项目和面上项目,研究论文发表于Mathematics of Operations Research, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization等国际知名期刊。
报告人简介:许叶军,博士,博士生导师,河海大学大禹学者,江苏高校“青蓝工程”中青年学术带头人。担任管理科学与工程学会理事;Information Fusion(影响因子5.667)编委;国家自然科学基金,国家社会科学基金项目通讯评议专家;European Journal of Operational Research, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems等国际国内期刊的论文审稿人,发表论文一百多篇,其中SCI/SSCI六十多篇,ESI高被引论文5篇,被国内外同行引用约2000次,论文H指数23。
报告题目:Cooperative and non-cooperative games between retailers with forward and reverse competitions
报告摘要:In this research, we study a closed-loop supply chain consisting of one manufacturer and two competing retailers. The retailers compete on demand in the forward channel and on collecting used products in the reverse channel under different behavior modes: cooperative decisions (Model C), simultaneous and non-cooperative decisions (Model SI), and sequential and non-cooperative decisions (Model SE). We investigate how the cooperation between retailers and the sequence of moves affect the equilibrium decisions and profits of the supply chain members. Our study shows that retailer cooperation enhances the total profit of retailers but reduces the manufacturer’s profit. We also find that in the sequential non-cooperative game, the manufacturer gains more profit when the larger retailer moves first. In addition, we conduct extensive numerical experiments to reveal the most profitable model for each supply chain member under different competitive environments.
报告人简介:洪宪培,教授,博士生导师,主要从事供应链管理和创新管理等方面的研究。近5年先后主持教育部人文社科青年基金项目和国家自然科学基金项目面上项目等5项;在European Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of production Economics, Annals of Operations Research 和Journal of Cleaner production等SSCI、SCI、CSSCI期刊上发表论文17篇,出版专著1部。