报告题目:Flexible MCDA Sorting: AHP FuzzySort
报告摘要:Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) relates to the process of making decisions in situations where there are multiple and conflicting criteria. Different types of decision problems can be formulated within the context of MCDA from choice, sorting, ranking and description problems, to elimination and design ones. Most of the problems studied in the literature revolve around choice and ranking problems, thus many approaches have been developed and applied accordingly in real-world problems. However, some applications have been solved by sorting analysis, the multi-criteria sorting methods help decision makers (DMs) to assign each action to a certain category among several of them previously characterized either by the decision maker or are inherent in the problem. In all the previously developed MCDA sorting methods, a strict boundary is assumed: i.e. above a boundary an alternative belongs to class A, below that it belongs to class B. This strict boundary has two major problems though:
• There is the necessity of fine-tuning processes to avoid ambiguous or doubtful class assignments for alternatives that are close to the boundary.
• Insignificant differences in the priorities obtained by the alternatives can result in significant differences in the class assignment in the sorting MCDA approach
In spite of the fact that there exists a plethora of MCDA approaches (PROMETHEE, ELECTRE, TOPSIS, UTA, etc.), the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is one of the most widespread and useful MCDA methods. Nonetheless, it is only in 2012 that a variant of AHP for sorting problems has been proposed with AHPSort and its variant AHPSort II which drastically reduce the number of pairwise comparison but still uses strict boundary for sorting.
This talk introduces an Analytic Hierarchy Process-Fuzzy Sorting (AHP-FuzzySort) model that uses fuzzy sets theory and the fuzzy linguistic approach to improve the assignment of alternatives to classes in a flexible way providing more realistic sorting results.
报告人简介:Luis Martínez是模糊决策领域著名科学家之一。他是西班牙哈恩大学计算机科学系的全职教授和ICT研究中心主任。他目前的研究兴趣是语言偏好模型、决策、基于模糊逻辑的系统、计算机辅助学习、感官评价、推荐系统和电子商务。他参与编辑了《模糊偏好模型》、《软计算》、《语言决策》、《模糊集理论》等9期特刊,在SCI收录的期刊上发表论文60余篇,在相关领域的国际会议上发表论文30余篇,著述100余篇。他曾在13个研发项目中担任主要研究员。他是欧洲模糊逻辑和技术协会IEEE的成员。同时他是the International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems的联合主编,他也是the journals IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems、 Information Fusion、the International Journal of Fuzzy Systems、 Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems,the Scientific World Journal,Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics期刊的 an Associated Editor,并作为成员的期刊编辑委员会的通用计算机科学杂志。2008年和2012年两次获得IEEE模糊系统优秀论文奖(分别于2011年和2015年获得)。现为悉尼科技大学访问教授、西南交通大学客座教授、中国成都西华大学荣誉教授。