
职称/职务:教授 博士生导师





博士, 计算力学, 大连理工大学


学士, 应用数学, 哈尔滨电工学院

2001-07至现  在, 教授,上海理工大学

1999-01至2001-06, 教授,中国矿业大学

1997-10至1998-12, 教授,燕山大学

1992-08至1997-09, 副教授,燕山大学

1982-09至1992-08, 助教,讲师燕山大学

1996-12至1998-12, 博士后,大连理工大学



1.2013/01-2015/12,项目负责人, 基于非光滑Lyapunov函数的切换系统稳定性研究,高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金.

2.2012/01-2015/12,项目负责人, 基于非光滑分析与优化的混杂博弈研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目.

3.2012/01-2013/12,项目负责人, 智能电网中电动汽车电能存储设备最优化协调模型研究,IBM (中国)研究院项目.

4.2008/01-2009/12,项目负责人, ElectronicAssembling Industry Demand-Supply Optimization through Dynamic Data-Driven,IBM (中国)研究院项目.

5.2007/01-2009/12,项目负责人, 生存性与稳定性中的非光滑优化理论与方法,国家自然科学基金面上项目.

6.2004/01-2005/12,项目负责人, 非光滑优化与控制系统的稳定性,教育部归国留学人员基金项目.


1.Tao L, Gao Y*. Real-time pricing for smart grid with distributed energyand storage: A noncooperative game method considering spatially and temporallycoupled constraints. International Journal of Electrical Power & EnergySystems, 2020,115:105487(Sci).

2.Lu ZM, Gao Y*, Zhao WH. A TODIM-basedapproach for environmental impact assessment of pumped hydro energy storageplant. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.119265(Sci).

3.Tao J, Gao Y*. Computing shadow prices withmultiple Lagrange multipliers. Journal of Industrial and ManagementOptimization, 2020, doi:10.3934/ Jimo.2020070(Sci).

4.Tao L, Gao Y*, Zhu H, Liu S. Distributedgenetic real-time pricing for multiseller-multibuyer smart grid based onbilevel programming considering random fluctuation of electricity consumption.Computers and Industrial Engineering 2019, 135:359 (Sci).

5.Zhu HB, Gao Y*, Hou Y, Wang ZY, Feng X.Real-time pricing considering different type of smart home appliances based onMarkov decision process. International Journal of Electrical Power and EnergySystems, 2019, 107:486-495(Sci).

6.Wang HJ, Gao Y*. Real-time pricing method forsmart grids based on complementarity problem. Journal of Modern Power Systemsand Clean Energy, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40565-019-0508-7 (Sci).

7.Tao L, Gao Y*, Liu Y, Zhu H. A rolling penaltyfunction algorithm of real-time pricing for smart microgrids based on bilevelprogramming. Engineering Optimzation, 2019, doi:10.1080/0305215X.2019.1642882 (Sci).

8.WangHJ, Gao Y*. Distributed real-timepricing method incorporating load uncertainty based on nonsmooth equations forsmart grid. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2019, doi.org/10.1155/2019/1498134.(Sci).

9.WangHJ, Gao Y*. Real-time pricing methodfor smart grids based on complementarity problem. Journal of modern powersystems and clean energy, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40565-019-0508-7 (Sci).

10.Zhu,HB, Gao Y*, Hou Y. Multi-time slotsreal-time pricing strategy with power fluctuation caused by operatingcontinuity of smart home appliances. Engineering Applications of ArtificialIntelligence, 2018, 71, 166-177. (Sci).

11.DaiYM, Gao Y, Gao HW, Zhu HB. A Demandresponse approach considering retailer incentive mechanism based on Stackelberggame in smart grid with multi retailers. International Transactions onElectrical Energy Systems, 2018,  doi.org/10.1002/etep.2590(Sci).

12.Zhu HB, Gao Y*, Hou Y. Real-time pricing fordemand response in smart grid based on alternating direction method ofmultipliers. Mathematical Problem in Engineering, 2018,doi.org/10.1155/2018/8760575. (Sci).

13.高岩. 智能电网实时电价社会福利最大化模型的研究. 中国管理科学, 2020.

14.GaoY*. Piecewise smooth Lyapunov function for a nonlinear dynamical system.  Journal of Convex Analysis, 2012,19(4):1009-1016 (Sci).

15.GaoY*. Viability criteria for differential inclusions. Journal of Systems Scienceand Complexity, 2011, 24: 825-834. (Sci).

16.GaoY*. Calculating the proximal subdifferential via the quasidifferential. AppliedMathematics Letters, 2008, 21(11): 1172-1176 (Sci).

17.GaoY*, Lygeros J, Quincampoix M. On the reachability problem of uncertain hybridsystems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2007, 52(9):1572-1586. (Sci)

18.GaoY*. Differences of polyhedra in matrix space and their applications tononsmooth analysis. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 2006,130(3): 429–440(Sci).

19.GaoY*. Newton methods for quasidifferentiable equations and their convergence.Journal of optimization theory and applications, 2006, 131(3): 417-428 (Sci).

20.GaoY*. Lygeros J, Quincampoix M, The reachability problem for uncertain hybridsystems revisited: a viability theory perspective, Lecture Notes in ComputerScience, Springer-Verlag, 2006, Vol. 3927, 242-256 (Sci).

21.GaoY*. Representative of quasidifferentials and its formula for aquasidifferentiable function. Set-Valued Analysis, 2005, 13(4): 323-336. (Sci).

22.GaoY*. Representation of the Clarke generalized Jacobian via thequasidifferential. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 2004,123(3): 519-532. (Sci).

23.GaoY*, Lygeros J, Quincampoix M, Seube N. Approximate stabilisation of uncertainhybrid systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2003, 2623: 203-215. (Sci).

24.GaoY*. Calculating an element of B-differential for a vector-valued maximumfunction. Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 2001, 22(5&6):561-572(Sci).

25.GaoY*, Xia ZQ, Zhang LW. Kernelled quasidifferential for a quasidifferentiablefunction in two-dimensional space. Journal of Convex Analysis, 2001, 8(2):401-408(Sci).

26.GaoY*. Newton methods for solving nonsmooth equations via a new subdifferential.Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 2001, 54(2): 239-257 (Sci).

27.GaoY*. A modified algorithm of finding an element of Clarke generalized gradientfor a smooth composition of max-type functions. Journal of ComputationalMathematics, 2000, 18(5):513-520(Sci).

28.GaoY*. Demyanov difference of two sets and optimality conditions of Lagrangemultiplier type for constrained quasidifferentiable optimization. Journal ofOptimization Theory and Applications, 2000, 104(2):377-394(Sci).

29.高岩,陈万吉.轴对称非协调元收敛理论与方法,中国科学(A辑),1997, 27(3), 262-269 (中英文版同时发表)(Sci).


高岩. 非光滑优化,科学出版社,2008年.


2015.12,2015年度IBM教师奖,  Global University Programs









2009-2019, 常务理事, 中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会.2010-2019, 常务理事, 中国系统工程学会.

2010-2018, 常务理事, 中国运筹学会金融工程与金融风险管理专业委员会.2012-, 常务副理事长, 上海市系统工程学会.

2011-2017,理事, 中国管理现代化研究会.

2017-, 常务理事, 管理科学与工程学会.

2018-, 上海市科协委员










