
职称/职务:教授 博士生导师 硕士生导师















2010.01- 2012.12, 项目负责人, 基于超网络模型的科学知识图谱分析研究(70901010), 国家自然科学基金青年项目(结题优秀).

2014.01- 2017.12, 项目负责人, 基于兴趣图谱的社会网络演化机制研究(71371125), 国家自然科学基金面上项目(结题).

2018.01- 2021.12, 项目负责人, 在线社会网络用户声誉的超网络分析理论与方法研究(71771152) , 国家自然科学基金面上项目(在研).

2014 -2016, 项目负责人,基于图谱分析的网络信息传播可视化研究(13YJA630023) , 教育部人文社会科学研究规划项目(结题).

2011 -2013, 项目负责人,基于二部分网络的自适应推荐算法研究 , 上海市教育委员会科研创新项目(结题).


1.        Kai Yang, Qiang Guo, Jian-Guo Liu. Communitydetection via measuring the strength between nodes for dynamics networks.Physica A 509 (2018), 256-264.

2.        赵紫娟,李小珂,郭强,杨凯,刘建国.基于LDA的复杂网络整体研究态势主题分析.电子科技大学学报 2019 48(6)931-938.

3.        郭强,殷冉冉,刘建国.基于TOPSIS的时序网络节点重要性研究.电子科技大学学报 2019 48 (2) 296-300.

4.        郭强,刘建国.基于二阶信息的复杂系统弹性度量研究. 电子科技大学学报2019 48 (3) 456-461

5.        郭强,岳强,李仁德,刘建国.基于四阶奇异值分解的推荐算法研究. 电子科技大学学报2019 48 (4) 586-594.

6.        傅家旗,郭强,刘建国.基于有限信息的网络邻接关系识别研究. 电子科技大学学报2019 48 (5) 794-800

7.        Jiang-Pan Wang, Qiang Guo, Lei Zhou, Jian-Guo Liu*. Dynamic credit allocation for researchers. Physica A 520 (2019)208-216.

8.        Ran-Ran Yin, Qiang Guo, Jian-Nan Yang, Jian-Guo Liu*. Inter-layersimilarity-based eigenvector centrality temporal networks. Physica A 512 (2018)165-173. (SCI JCR一区)

9.        Ying-Ying Wu, Qiang Guo, Jian-Guo Liu, Yi-ChengZhang.  Effect of the initialconfiguration for user–object reputation systems. Physica A 502 (2018) 288-294.(SCI JCR一区)

10.    Sheng-Nan Li, Qiang Guo, Kai Yang, Jian-Guo Liu, Yi-Cheng Zhang. Uncoveringthe popularity mechanisms for Facebook applications. Physica A 494 (2018)422–429. (SCI JCR一区)

11.    Lu Dai, Qiang Guo, Xiao-Lu Liu, Jian-Guo Liu,Yi-Cheng Zhang. Identifying online user reputation in terms of user preference.Physica A 494 (2018) 403–409. (SCI JCR一区)

12.    Jian-Guo Liu, Ren-De Li,Qiang Guo, Yi-Cheng Zhang. Collectiveiteration for online social networks. Physica A 499 (2018) 490-497. (SCI JCR一区)

13.    杨建楠,刘建国,郭强,基于层间相似性的时序网络节点重要性研究.物理学报67,048901 (2018). (SCI)

14.    Jian-GuoLiu, Qing Zhou, Qiang Guo, Zhen-HuaYang, Fei Xie, Jing-Ti Han. Knowledge diffusion ofdynamicalnetworkin terms of interactionfrequency.Scientific Reports 7 10755 (2017). (SCI一区)

15.    Jian-GuoLiu, Zi-Yi Wang, Qiang Guo, Lei Guo,Qun Chen, Ying-Zi Wang, Ying-Zi Ni, Identifying multiple influential spreadersvia local structural similarity. EPL 119 18001 (2017). (SCI二区)

16.    Jian-GuoLiu, Xiao-Lu Liu, Qiang Guo, Jing-TiHan. Identifying the perceptive users for online social systems. PLoS ONE 12(7)(2017): e0178118. (SCI)

17.    Jiang-PanWang, Qiang Guo, Kai Yang, JingtiHan, Jian-Guo Liu. Credit allocation for researchinstitutes. EPL 119 (2017) 48001. (Phys.org以What's the best way to rank research institutes为题进行了专题报道) (SCI)

18.    KaiYang, Qiang Guo, Sheng-Nan Li,Jing-Ti Han, Jian-Guo Liu. Evolution property of Evolutionproperty of the community members for dynamic networks. PLA 381 (2017) 970-975 (SCI)

19.    Dan-QingLiu, Zhen-Qiang Wu, Yu-Xin Wang, QiangGuo, Jian-Guo Liu.Optimal teaching strategy in periodicimpulsive knowledge dissemination system. PLoS ONE 12(6)(2017) e0178024.. (SCI)

20.    Qiang Guo, Lei Ji, Jianguo Liu,Jingti Han. Evolution properties of online user preference diversity.Physica A 468 (2017) 698-713. (SCI)

21.    Jian-GuoLiu, Jian-Hong Lin, Qiang Guo, Tao Zhou. Locating Locatinginfluential nodes via dynamics-sensitive centrality. Scientific Reports 6 21380(2016). (SCI)

22.     Jian-Guo Liu, Lei, Hou, Xue Pan, QiangGuo, Tao Zhou, Stability of the similarity measurements of bipartitenetworks. Scientific Reports 6 18653 (2016). (SCI Nature出版集团刊物)

23.    Ren-DeLi, Qiang Guo, Jing-Ti Han, Jian-GuoLiu. Collective behaviors of book holding durations. PLA 380 (2016) 3460-3464.

24.    Qiang Guo, Guang Liang, Jia-Qi Fu, Jing-Ti Han, Jian-GuoLiu. Roles of mixing patterns in the network reconstruction. Phys. Rev. E.94, 052303 (2016). (SCI)

25.    Xiao-LuLiu, Jian-Guo Liu, Kai Yang, Qiang Guo,Jing-Ti Han. Identifying online user reputation of user-object bipartitenetworks. Physica A 467 508-516 (2017). (SCI)

26.    PeiYu, Qiang Guo, Ren-De Li, Jing-TiHan, Jian-Guo Liu. Roles of clustering properties for degree-mixing patternnetworks. Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 28(2), 1750029 (2017). (SCI)

27.    郭强,刘建国,在线社会系统的用户行为分析研究进展. 复杂系统与复杂性科学 12(2) 97-102 (2015).

28.    宋文君,郭强,刘建国. 时间窗口对个性化推荐算法的影响研究. 复杂系统与复杂性科学 12(1) 28-32 (2015).

29.    宋文君,郭强,刘建国. 一种改进的混合推荐算法研究. 上海理工大学学报374(4), 327-331 (2015).

30.    郭强,宋文君,胡兆龙,侯磊,张一璐,陈芳娇. 基于流行度的非平衡物质扩散推荐算法. 计算机应用 35(12) 3502-3505 (2015).

31.    杨凯,刘晓露,林坚洪,成曦,郭强,刘建国.  “冰桶挑战” 诱导的社交网络演化分析[J]. 复杂系统与复杂性科学, 13(2):90-96  (2016).

32.    Ren-De Li, QiangGuo, Jing-Ti Han, Jian-Guo Liu. Collective behaviors of book holdingdurations. Phys. Lett. A 380, 3460-3464 (2016) (SCI)

33.    Jia-Hua Wang, QiangGuo, Kai Yang, Yi-Lu Zhang, Jingti Han, Jian-Guo Liu. Popularity and diversityof online objects. Physica A 461 480-486 (2016). (SCI)

34.    Lei Guo, Qiang Guo,Jian-Hong Lin, Jian-Guo Liu. Identifying multiple influential spreaders interm of the distance-based coloring.  PLA 380 837-842 (2016) (SCI)

35.    杨凯,刘晓露,郭强,刘建国.基于多重特征向量的有向网络社团结构划分算法. 电子科技大学学报 45(6),1014-1019 (2016).

36.    Li-Ying Tang, Sheng-Nan Li, Jian-Hong Lin, Qiang Guo, Jian-Guo Liu. Communitystructure detection based on the neighbor node degree information. IJMPC 27(4)165046 (2016). (SCI)

37.    Xiao-Lu Liu, QiangGuo, Lei Hou, Can Cheng, Jian-Guo Liu*. Ranking online quality and reputation viathe user activity. Physica A 436, 629-636 (2015). (SCI)

38.    宋文君,郭强,刘建国,一种改进的混合推荐算法研究.上海理工大学学报(2015) (已接收).

39.    程灿,郭强,刘建国*.网络路由传输策略的研究进展.电子科技大学学报 44(1)2-11 (2015). (EI)

40.    Lei Ji, Jian-Guo Liu, Lei Hou, Qiang Guo*. Identifying the role of common interests in onlineuser trust formation. PLoS ONE 10(7), e0121105  (2015) (SCI).

41.    Jiang-Pan Wang, QiangGuo, Guang-Yong Yang, Jian-GuoLiu*.Improved knowledge diffusion model based on the collaborationhypernetwork. Physica A 428 250-256 (2015).  (SCI).

42.    Xiao-Lei Tong, Jian-Guo Liu*, Jiang-Pan Wang, Qiang Guo, Jing Ni. Identifying the spreading ability of nodes inthe network core. Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 26(5) 1550059 (2015).(SCI).

43.    Yi-Lu Zhang, QiangGuo,  Jing Ni, Jian-Guo Liu*. Memory effect of the online rating formovies. Physica A 417, 261-266 (2015). (SCI). 

44.    张一璐,倪静,郭强,刘建国*. 在线用户兴趣多样性的实证研究.计算机应用研究 31(11)3250-3252 (2014).

45.    Jian-Hong Lin, QiangGuo, Wen-Zhao Dong, Li-Ying Wang, Jian-Guo Liu*. Identifying node spreading influence withlargest k-core values. Phys. Lett. A 378(45) 3279-3284 (2014).(SCI).

46.    Lei Hou, Xue Pan, QiangGuo, Jian-Guo Liu*.Memory effect of online user preference. Scientific Reports 4, 6560(2014) (SCI).

47.    Wen-Jun Song, QiangGuo, Jian-Guo Liu*.Improved hybird information filtering based on  limited time window.Physica A. 416 (2014) 192–197. (SCI).

48.    Jian-GuoLiu*, Zhuo-Ming Ren, QiangGuo. Evolution characteristics of the network core in the Facebook. PLoSONE 9(8), e104026 (2014).  (SCI).

49.    Qiang Guo, Wen-JunSong, Jian-Guo Liu*. Ultraaccurate collaborative information filtering via directed user similarity. EPL,107 18001  (2014). (SCI).

50.    侯磊,潘雪,刘建国*,郭强,汪秉宏.火灾逃生过程的模拟与讨论--以吉林禽业火灾为例.物理学报 43(17)178902(2014).(SCI).

51.    邵凤, 郭强, 曾诗奇, 刘建国*, 微博系统网络结构的研究进展, 电子科技大学学报 43(2) 167-183 (2014).(EI:20141717623255).

52.    Ni Jing, Yi-Lu Zhang, Zhao-Long Hu, Wen-Jun Song, Lei Hou,Qiang Guo, Jian-Guo Liu*, Ceilingeffect of online user interests for the movies. Physica A 402, 134-140(2014).(SCI:000333788400013,AE2FJ; EI:20140917380571)

53.    Guo Qiang, Wen-JunSong, Lei Hou, Yi-Lu Zhang, Jian-Guo Liu*. Effect of the time window on theheat-conduction information filtering. Physica A 401, 15-21(2014). (SCI: 000333504200003,AD8GJ   ; EI:20140617273416)

54.    郭强,周继平,郭迎迎,胡兆龙,刘建国*. 考虑负相关信息的协同过滤算法研究. 计算机应用研究 30(12),3543-3575(2013).

55.    Jian-GuoLiu*,  Zhao-Long Hu, Qiang Guo.Effect of the social influence on topological properties of user-objectbipartite networks. EuropeanPhysical Journal B 86(11) 478 (2013). (SCI:253ZN; 20134917046499)

56.    Qiang Guo,  Yang Li, Jian-Guo Liu*. Informationfiltering based on users' negative opinions. Int. J Mod. Phys. C 24(5) 1350032 (2013).  (SCI:138RL)

57.    Jian-GuoLiu*, Zhuo-Ming Ren, Qiang Guo  et al. Node importance ranking of complexnetworks. 物理学报 62(17) 178901  (2013).  (SCI:224HX)

58.    Jian-GuoLiu*, Zhuo-Ming Ren, Qiang Guo. Ranking the spreading influence in complexnetworks. Physica A 392(18) 4154-4159 (2013).  (SCI:182FJ;EI:20132816478399)

59.    Qiang Guo, FengShao, Zhao-Long Hu, Jian-GuoLiu*. Statistical properties of the personal social network inthe Facebook. EPL 104(2) 28004 (2013). (SCI:265EA)

60.    冷瑞, 郭强,石珂瑞, 刘建国*, 用户集聚系数对协同过滤算法的影响研究, 运筹与管理 22(1) 88-92 (2013).

61.    苏颖, 刘建国*, 郭强,田大刚, 考虑负面评价的个性化推荐算法研究, 运筹与管理 21(6) 17-22 (2012).

62.    Jian-GuoLiu*, KeruiShi, Qiang Guo, Solving theaccuracy-diversity dilemma via directed random walks, Phys. Rev. E, 85(1),016118, (2012). (SCI:888FX; EI: 20120614757848)

63.    Lei Liu, Jian-Guo Liu*, Jing Ni, Qiang Guo, Rui Leng, Kerui Shi, Effects of the high-ordercorrelation on information filtering, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C, 23(6),  1250045,(2012).  (SCI: 967KD)

64.    Qiang Guo, RuiLeng, Kerui Shi, Jian-GuoLiu*, Heat conduction information filtering via localinformation of bipartite networks, Euro. Phys. J. B, 85(8), 286, (2012). (SCI: 000QX; EI: 20123915470591)

65.    Qiang Guo, RuiLeng, Ke-Rui Shi, Jian-GuoLiu*, Information filtering via clustering coefficients ofuser-object bipartite networks, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C, 23 (2), 1250012 (2012).(SCI: 933FE)

66.    刘建国*, 郭强, 预算模式平稳过渡的目标规划模型分析, 运筹与管理, 21(1),29-33, (2012).

67.    石珂瑞, 刘建国*, 郭强, 冷瑞, 有向相似性对协同过滤推荐系统的影响研究, 复杂系统与复杂性科学,9(3),46-49, (2012).

68.    Jian-GuoLiu*, Tao Zhou, QiangGuo, Information filtering via biased heat conduction, Phys. Rev. E, 84(3), 037101(2011). (SCI: 820ZZ; EI:20113914366695)

69.    Jian-GuoLiu*, Qiang Guo,Yi-Cheng Zhang, Information filtering via weighted heat conductionalgorithm, Physica A, 390(12),2414–2420, (2011). (SCI:762VZ, EI: 20111613919190)

70.    刘建国*, 吴蓓蕾, 王超, 郭强, 基于改进用户兴趣点度量方式的推荐算法研究, 情报学报,30(11), 1158-1162, (2011) .

71.    Jian-GuoLiu*, Tao Zhou, Bing-Hong Wang, Yi-Cheng Zhang, Qiang Guo, Degree correlation ofbipartite network on personalized recommendation, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C, 21(1), 137-147,(2010). (SCI: 552DM)

72.    Qiang Guo, Jian-Guo Liu*. A modifiedBFGS bundle algorithm based on approximate subgradients.J. Appl. Math. & Informatics, 28(5-6), 1239-1248,(2010).

73.    Qiang Guo, Jian-Guo Liu*, Clusteringeffect of user-object bipartite network on personalized recommendation, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C, 21(7),891-901, (2010). (SCI:644SL)

74.    Jian-GuoLiu*, Tao Zhou, Bing-Hong Wang, Yi-Cheng Zhang, Qiang Guo, Effect of  users'tastes on personalized recommendation, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C, 20(12), 1925-1932,(2009). (SCI: 541OI)

75.    Guo Qiang, Jian-Guo Liu*, Bing-HongWang, Improved collaborative filtering algorithm based on heatconduction, Frontiers ofComputer Science in China, 3(3), 417-420, (2009).(SCI: V17XY; EI: 20095012547747)

76.    Jian-Guo Liu*, Bing-Hong Wang, Qiang Guo, Improved collaborative filtering algorithm viainformation transformation, Int.J. Mod. Phys. C, 20, 285-293, (2009). (SCI: 414QK; EI:10877689)

77.    刘建国*, 周涛, 郭强, 汪秉宏, 个性化推荐系统的评价方法综述, 复杂系统与复杂性科学,6(3), 1-8,  (2009).

78.    Jian-Guo Liu*, Tao Zhou, Bing-Hong Wang, Qiang Guo, Structural effects on synchronizabilityof scale-free networks, Int.J. Mod. Phys. C, 19(9), 1359-1366, (2008). (SCI:363LZ)

79.    Qiang Guo, Jian-GuoLiu*, Bing-Hong Wang, Tao Zhou, Xing-Wen Chen, Yu-Hua Yao.Opinion spreading with mobility on scale-free networks, Chin. Phys. Lett. ,25(2), 773-775, (2008).(SCI: 264UT;EI: 9972325)

80.    Qiang Guo, Jian-GuoLiu*, Dan-hong Wang, A modified BFGS method and itssuperlinear convergence in nonconvex minimization with general line searchrule, J. Appl. Math.Computing, 28(1-2),435-446, (2008).(EI: 20083311448576)

81.    Qiang Guo, Jian-GuoLiu*, Ming-Jun Zhong, Scale-free network model underexogenous pressures, Int.J. Modelling, Identification and Control, 3(1), 79-82,(2008). (EI:20082111273809)

82.    Qiang Guo, Jian-Guo Liu*, RuiliWang, Xin-Wen Chen, Yu-Hua Yao, Improvement of synchronizability of scale-freenetworks, Chin. Phys. Lett., 24 (8),  2437-2440, (2007).(SCI: 198WF; EI: 9974752)

83.    Qiang Guo, Jian-Guo Liu*, Globalconvergence of a modified BFGS-type method for unconstrained non-convexminimization, J. Appl. Math.Comp., 23(1-2), 311-319,(2007). (EI: 20072310639967)

84.    Qiang Guo, Jian-Guo Liu*, Globalconvergence properties of two modified BFGS-Type methods, J. Appl. Math. Comp. ,24 (1-2), 325-331, (2007). (EI: 070410385600)

85.    Qiang Guo, Jian-Guo Liu*, YanjieLiu, Optimization model for defrayal budget of the finance imbursement, Inter. J. Pure & Appl. Math.,38(4), 555-560, (2007).

86.    Qiang Guo, Jian-Guo Liu*, Reconstructthe hierarchical structure of Chinese nature science basic researchnetwork, Inter. J. Pure & Appl.Math., 38(4), 561-566, (2007).

87.    Jian-Guo Liu*,Yan-ZhongDang, Zhong-Tuo Wang, Wen-Xu Wang, Tao Zhou, Bing-Hong Wang, Qiang Guo, Self-learning mutualselection model for weighted networks, DCDIS B Supplement, Complex Networks, 14 (S7), 33-36, (2007).

88.    赵晟莹,郭强, 王文旭,任杰, 刘建国*.Researchprogress of competitive process in complex network, 电子测量技术 4,93-96, (2007).

89.    Qiang Guo, Tao Zhou, Jian-Guo Liu*, Wen-Jie Bai, Bing-Hong Wang, Ming Zhao, Growingscale-free small-world networks with tunable assortative coefficient,  Physica A, 371, 814-822, (2006). (SCI: 093WC; EI: 20063910128450)

90.    Qiang Guo, Jian-Guo Liu*, Antwo phase ABS method for solving over determined systems of linearinequalities, J. Appl. Math.Comp., 21,259-267, (2006).(EI: 06219900855)

91.    Qiang Guo, Jian-Guo Liu*, Xing-WenChen, Optimization model and simulation of the queuing system withquickpass, The 6th World Congresson  Intelligent Control and Automation,Dalian, 1401-1404, (2006).(EI: 20071510541434)

92.    Qiang Guo, Jian-Guo Liu*, Optimization model of highway toll plaza trafficcapacity, Inter. J. Pure & Appl.Math., 29(2) , 225-232, (2006).

93.    Qiang Guo, Jian-Guo Liu*, AnABS method for solving over-determined linear inequalities system, Inter. J. Pure & Appl. Math., 26(1), 55-61, (2006).

94.    Qiang Guo, Jian-Guo Liu*, AnABS algorithm for solving over-determined linear inequalities via thealgorithm, Inter. J. Pure & Appl.Math., 25(4), 519-528, (2005).

95.    Qiang Guo, Jian-Guo Liu*. Two-phaseABS Method for Solving Over-determined Linear Inequalities System. Inter. J. Pure & Appl. Math. 20(4)  507-514 (2005).

96.    刘建国*,郭强, 夏尊铨, 混合效应模型的最优区组设计, 数学的实践与认识, 5,  97-102, (2005).

97.    郭强, 刘建国,夏尊铨. 异方差模型中多种误差分布下的D-最优设计. 数学的实践与认识 35(9) 76-81 (2005).

98.    郭强, 刘建国. 一类构造线性最优设计的算法研究. 大连民族学院学报 7(1) 35-38 (2005).

99.    刘建国,张颖,郭强. 异方差模型下最优设计的等价性及效率比较. 沈阳工业大学学报25(5)  441-444(2003).

100.  刘建国,葛仁东, 夏尊铨, 郭强. 非凸函数极小问题的BFGS算法. 运筹与管理13(2)  62-65 (2004).

101.  郭强, 刘建国,葛仁东, 夏尊铨. 混合效应模型中的D-最优设计. 运筹与管理12(4)  31-35(2003).



郭强,刘建国. 在线社会网络的用户行为建模与分析. 科学出版社, 2017.

刘建国,郭强. 知识系统和电子商务中的网络理论与应用研究. 上海财经大学出版社, 上海,2011.



刘建国,郭强,石珂瑞.电子商务安全管理与支付. 2011.立信会计出版社, 上海.









2007.10- 2009.10, 理事, 辽宁省运筹协会.
