讲座:Travel Preferences of Multimodal Transport Systems 多模式交通出行偏好研究

发布时间:2020-11-16        浏览量:467


题目: Travel Preferences of Multimodal Transport Systems


时间:2020.11.26  14:00—15:00

地点:BOB半岛·体育官方网站 810会议室

摘要:Metropolises in emerging markets are facing serious urban transportchallenges. Understanding people’s travel preferences is crucial for designingeffective sustainable urban policies. This talk discusses the study of travelpreferences in the metropolitan area of Beijing, which is notoriously plaguedwith high degrees of congestion. This study includes a series of interwovenstated preference experiments on travel behavior with a semi-random sample of2652 respondents participated in the experiments. The results, estimated by ascaled mixed logit model, provide rich information on how trade-offs are madeamong the manipulated attributes regarding travel time, cost, convenience, andreliability. Many findings deviate from results obtained in developed countries.



Bio of Feixiong Liao

He is currently an assistant professor at the Urban Planning andTransportation Group of the Eindhoven University of Technology. His researchinterests include activity-based modeling, accessibility analysis, discretechoice modeling, and supernetwork modeling for applications in transportationresearch and urban planning.