
职称/职务:副教授 硕士生导师

















1. 超网络视角下复杂货运系统建模及机器学习-最优化混合方法(61806021),国家自然科学基金青年项目, 2018, 3.

2. 基于关键运输通道的多模式城市配送网络的韧性研究,教育部人文社会科学研究青年项目,2023,09-2025,09.

3. 基于时空数据融合的特大城市韧性分级配送网络设计及协同优化23692109900,“科技创新行动计划”软科学研究项目,2023-03-01至2024-02-29



1. Liu, D., Kaisar, E. I.Autonomous Delivery Robot as An Enabler of Resiliency to An E-grocery Delivery Network: A Chance-Constraint Model, Transportation Research Record. Under review. 

2. Liu, D., Deng, Z., Pu, Z., Wang Z., Kaisar, E. I., New Methods to Use Weigh-in-Motion Data for Estimating the Truck Freight Tonnage: A Case Study in Florida. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.Under second round review.

3. Liu, D., Deng, Z., Zhang, W., Kaisar, E. I.. A Multi-periodic Optimization Based Model for Determining Optimal Fleet Size for a Robot-sharing System. Alexandria Engineering Journal. Under review. 


4. Liu, D., Kaisar, E. Enhancing E-Grocery-Delivery-Network Resilience with Autonomous Delivery Robots. Applied Sciences. 2023.

5. Dan Liu, Hao (Frank) Yang, Xinhua Mao, Vasileia Antonoglou, Evangelos I. Kaisar. New Mobility-assist E-grocery Delivery Network: A Load-dependent Two-echelon Vehicle Routing Problem with Mixed Vehicles. Transportation Research Record, 2022.

6.  Liu, D., Kaisar, E., Yang,Y., Yan P., Physical Internet-enabled E-grocery Delivery Network: A Load-dependent Two- echelon Vehicle Routing Problem with Mixed Vehicles. International Journal of Production Economics. 2022 (JCR 1区, IF: 12, top)

7. Liu, D., Deng, Z., Kaisar, E. I., Multi-objective Optimization of Van-robots E-grocery Delivery with Hybrid Artificial Immune Algorithm.Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. 2021, 154, 102466. SCI/SSCI (JCR 1区, IF: 10.6,top) 

8. Liu, D., Deng, Z., Zhang W., Wang Y., Kaisar, E. I., Design of Sustainable Urban Electronic Grocery Distribution Network.Alexandria Engineering Journal, 2020, 7:145-157. SCI (JCR 1区, IF: 6.626).

9.  Dan Liu, Hao (Frank) Yang, Xinhua Mao, Vasileia Antonoglou, Evangelos I. Kaisar. New Mobility-assist E-grocery Delivery Network: A Load-dependent Two-echelon Vehicle Routing Problem with Mixed Vehicles. Transportation Research Record, 2022.(JCR 3区,IF:2.019)

10. Yangyang, Kun Wang, Zhenzhou Yuan, Dan Liu. Predicting Freeway Traffic Crash Severity Using XGBoost-Bayesian Network Model with Consideration of Features Interaction. Journal of Advanced Transportation. 2022 (JCR 3区, IF: 2.419)

11. Liu, D., Yan P., Deng, Z., Wang Y. Kaisar, E. I., Collaborative Intermodal Freight Transport Network Design and Vehicle Arrangement with Applications in the Oil and Gas Drilling Equipment Industry. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science. 2020, 16:1574–1603. SCI/SSCI (JCR 2区, IF: 4.6)

12. Liu, D., Deng, Z., Wang, Z. Wang, Y., Kaisar, E. I., Method for Identifying Truck Traffic Site Clustering Using Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) Data. IEEE ACCESS.2020, 6. SCI (JCR 2区, IF: 4.8)

13. Xu, J., Deng, Z., Song, Q., Chi, Q, Wu, T., Huang,Y., Liu, D., Gao, M., Multi-UAV counter-game model based on uncertain information. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2020.SCI (JCR 1区, IF: 4.397)

14. Liu, D., Hu, B., Ding, Z., Kaisarb, E. I., Method of Group Decision Making with Interval Grey Numbers based on Grey Correlation and Relative Close Degree. Journal Tehnički vjesnik/Technical Gazette, 2020,27:1579-1584. SCI (JCR 4区,IF: 0.783) 

15. Liu, D., Deng, Z., Mao, X., Yang, Y., Kaisar, E. I., Two-echelon Vehicle Routing Problem: Optimization of Autonomous Delivery Vehicle Assisted E-Grocery Distribution. IEEE ACCESS, 2020, 6. SCI (JCR 2区, IF: 4.8)

16. Liu, D., Deng, Z., Sun Q., Wang Y., Wang Y., Design and Freight Corridor-Fleet Size Choice in Collaborative Intermodal Transportation Network Considering Economies of Scale. Sustainability. 11:990. SCI /SSCI (JCR 2区, IF: 3.9)

17. Mao, X., Yuan, C., Liu, D., Resilience-based Optimization of Post-disaster Restoration Strategy for Road Networks. Journal of Advanced Transportation. 2020. SCI (JCR 3区, IF: 2.419)

18. Deng, Z., Zhang, T., Liu, D., Jing, X., Li, Z. A High-Precision Collaborative Control Algorithm for Multi-Agent System Based on Enhanced Depth Image Fusion Positioning. IEEE ACCESS, 2020, 6. SCI (JCR 2区, IF: 4.8)

19. Deng, Z., Huang,Y., Gu, Z., Liu, D., Gao, L., Multi-games on interdependent networks and the evolution of cooperation. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2018, SCI (JCR 2区, IF: 3.263)

20. Deng, Z., Huang,Y., Gu, Z., Liu, D., Gao, L., Multi games with voluntary participation on interdependent networks and the evolution of cooperation. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals.2018, SCI (JCR 1区, IF: 10.41)

21. 王飞,刘丹. 客户合作对新产品开发绩效的影响研究:跨部门合作的调节效应. 华东经济管理, 2018. CSSCI

22. 刘丹, 蒲自源, 许晓晴, 伍佳妮. 基于机器学习-优化混合算法的离散交通网络双层规划模型, 系统工程, 2018. CSSCI

23. 李华强, 刘浩学, 刘丹. 基于承运人横向合作的运输企业联盟绩效研究. 长安大学学报 (自然版), 2018.CSCD

24. 刘丹,王飞,王宗霞. 基于超网络的研究生协同创新网络构建. 管理科学研究,  2016. CSSCI

25. 刘丹,赵嵩正. 可持续多式联运网络设计的多目标优化模型及算法. 系统工程, 2015. CSSCI

26. 刘丹, 赵嵩正, 刘静. 基于规模经济的多式联运网络成本最优模型的研究. 计算机工程与应用, 2014. CSCD

27. 刘丹, 赵嵩正, 刘静. 绿色供应链买方视角下的合作影响因素实证研究. 机械制造, 2012. CSCD

28. 蒋维杨,赵嵩正,刘丹,王莉芳. 大样本评价的定量指标无量纲化方法. 统计与决策, 2012. CSSCI. 

29. Liu, D., Vasileia Antonoglou, and Kaisar, E. I., Optimization of a Robot-sharing Last-mile Delivery Network: A Dynamic Fleet Assignment Model. Submitted at 101st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 2022.重要会议论文 

30. Tabassum A., Liu, D., and Kaisar, E. I., New Mobility-assisted E-grocery Delivery Network: A Load-depended Two-echelon Vehicle Routing Problem with Mixed Vehicles. Submitted at 101st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 2022.重要会议论文

31. Tabassum, Anika, Liu, Dan, Kaisar, Evangelos I. An Optimization Model for Determining Optimal Fleet Size for a Robot-sharing System, ASCE International Conference on Transportation & Development, 2021, accepted. EI 会议论文

32. Goulianou, P., Charisis, A., Liu, D., Kaisar, E. I., and Golias, M. M., Intermodal Freight Network Design Model Considering Emission Levels and Time Constraints. Presented at 99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January, 2020. 重要会议论文

33. Ardalan, T., Liu, D., Kaisar, E. I., Zhong M., Tabatabaee F., Truck Tonnage Estimation Using Weigh-In-Motion and AADT Data. Prensented at 99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January, 2020. 重要会议论文

34. Liu, D., Tabassum A., Zhang W., Kaisar, E. I., Optimizing Last-mile Delivery by Integrating Autonomous Delivery Vehicle: Impact of Customer Density. Chinese Overseas Transportation Association International Conference, Xi’an, China, Aug. 2021,  EI 会议论文

35. Yuting Deng, Xinyu Feng, Dan Liu, Weibin Zhang. Nonlinear Kalman Filter methods for predicting ship encounter situations in terms of near miss collision risk. Chinese Overseas Transportation Association International Conference, Xi’an, China, De. 2021, accepted. EI会议论文

36. Liu, D., Zhao, S., Liu, J. The impact of value of time on Mode choice of freight intermodal transport. The 6th IEEE International Conference on Management of Information and Technology. Sanur Bali, Indonesia, 2012, EI 会议论文

37. Liu, D., Zhao, S., Jiang, W., An Optimization Framework for Evaluating Freight Transport Mode in Global Supply Chain: Insight from China. Proceedings of the 2012 Second International Conference on Electric Information and Control Engineering. 2012, 2:225- 229.

38. Liu, D., Zhao S., Jiang W., An Empirical Study for Green Supply Chain Management: Relationship between Collaboration and Extended Supply Chain Performance, 2010 International Conference on Management and Service Science. Wuhan, China, 2010, EI 会议论文

39. Liu, D., Zhao, S. Value-added Service of Venture Capital Facing Supply Chain Management. International Conference on Engineering and Business Management. 2010, ISTP 会议论文


1.Evaluation of Truck Tonnage Estimation Methodologies. Freight Mobility Research Institute (FMRI) Research Report.佛罗里达交通局, 2019

2.推进综合运输服务发展研究. 交通运输部, 2017

3.宁波市货物运输与现代物流. 宁波交通局, 2015

4.Impact of Value of Time on Mode Choice of Freight Intermodal Transport. EU,2010


1.Liu, D., and Kaisar, E. I., Autonomous Delivery Robots as an Enabler for Improving E-Grocery-Delivery-Network Resilience. Presented at 103rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 2024.

2.Liu, D., Vasileia Antonoglou, and Kaisar, E. I., Optimization of a Robot-sharing Last-mile Delivery Network: A Dynamic Fleet Assignment Model. Submitted at 101st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 2022. 

3.Tabassum A., Liu, D., and Kaisar, E. I., New Mobility-assisted E-grocery Delivery Network: A Load-depended Two-echelon Vehicle Routing Problem with Mixed Vehicles. Submitted at 101st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 2022. 

4.Liu, D., Tabassum A., and Kaisar, E. I., Hybrid Artificial Immune Algorithm for Optimizing a Van-Robot E-grocery Delivery System. The Institute for Operations Research and the Presented at Management Sciences (INFORMS) Annual Meeting, Virtual Conference, October 2021.

5.Liu, D., Tabassum A., and Kaisar, E. I., Hybrid Artificial Immune Algorithm for Optimizing a Van-Robot E-grocery Delivery System. To be presented at 9th International Urban Freight Conference, October 2021 (I-NUF).

6.Liu, D., Ardalan, T., Kaisar, E. I., Zhong, M. Mapping of Truck Tonnage in Florida Using Weigh-in-Motion Data. Submitted to National Travel Monitoring Exposition and Conference (NaTMEC), June 2021.

7.Liu, D., Tabassum A., Zhang W., Kaisar, E. I., Optimizing Last-mile Delivery by Integrating Autonomous Delivery Vehicle: Impact of Customer Density. Chinese Overseas Transportation Association International Conference, Xi’an, China, Aug. 2021.

8.Tabassum A., Liu, D., Kaisar, E. I., An Optimization Model for Determining Optimal Fleet Size for a Robot-sharing System. To be presented at the International Conference on Transportation & Development, June 2021.

9.Liu, D., Tabassum A., Kaisar, E. I.. Autonomous Delivery Vehicle in Urban E-Grocery Delivery: A Two-tier Vehicle Routing Problem. 7th International Physical Internet Conference. Shenzhen, November, 2020.

10.Yan Xu, Weibin Zhang, Dan Liu. Signal Timing Evaluation Model for Single Intersection Based on Wide Area Radar Data. Proceedings of the 39th Chinese Control Conference July 27-29, 2020, Shenyang, China.

11.Liu, D., Kaisar, E. I., Modeling A Cooperative Multi Echelon Supply Chain Network Under Disruption Risk. To be present at The Institute for Operations Research and the Presented at Management Sciences (INFORMS) Annual Meeting, Virtual Conference, November, 2020.

12.Tabassum A., Liu, D., Kaisar, E. I.. A Multi-periodic Optimization Based Model for Determining Optimal Fleet Size for a Robot-sharing System. To be present at The Institute for Operations Research and the Presented at Management Sciences (INFORMS) Annual Meeting, Virtual Conference, November, 2020.

13.Tabassum A., Liu, D., Kaisar, E. I.. A Multi-periodic Optimization Based Model for Determining Optimal Fleet Size for a Robot-sharing System. 4th VREF Conference on Urban Freight, Sweden, October, 2020. 

14.Liu, D., Kaisar, E. I.. Autonomous Delivery Vehicle in Urban E-Grocery Delivery: A Two-Echelon Vehicle Routing Problem. The 23nd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Rhodes, GR, September, 2020.

15.Liu, D., Kaisar, E. I., Applying Deep Learning for Autonomous Delivery Vehicle-assisted Last-mile Distribution: From Estimation to Optimization, presented at 7th Annual UTC Conference, Boca Raton, Florida, September, 2020.

16.Liu, D. Mapping of Truck Tonnage in Florida Using Weigh-in-Motion Data. Presented at FAU-ITE student chapter event, Boca Raton, Florida, Jun 2020, Webinar.

17.Goulianou, P., Charisis, A., Liu, D., Kaisar, E. I., and Golias, M. M., Intermodal Freight Network Design Model Considering Emission Levels and Time Constraints. Presented at 99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January, 2020. 

18.Ardalan, T., Liu, D., Kaisar, E. I., Zhong M., Tabatabaee F., Truck Tonnage Estimation Using Weigh-In-Motion and AADT Data. Presented at 99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January, 2020.

19.Liu, D., Tabassum A., Kaisar, E. I., Integration of Autonomous Delivery Vehicle in Sustainable Urban E-Grocery Distribution Network. Presented at The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) Annual Meeting, Seattle, October 2019.

20.Liu, D. The Florida Automated Vehicles (FAV) Summit, Miami, September 2019.

21.Liu, D., Ardalan, T., Kaisar, E. I., Evaluation of Truck Tonnage Estimation Methodologies Florida's Mobility Measures Program (MMP), Florida Department of Transportation, Tallahassee, FL, September 2019.

22.Liu, D., Ardalan, T., Kaisar, E. I., Mapping of Truck Tonnage in Florida Using Weigh-in-Motion Data. Presented at FIU-ITE student chapter event, Miami, September 2019. 

23.Ardalan, T., Liu, D., Kaisar, E. I., Mathematical Model for Estimating Truck Tonnage. Presented at Freight Mobility Advisory Board, University of Memphis, TN., May, 2019.

24.Liu, D. 2019 Florida Supply Chain Summit, Orlando, FL.

25.Liu, D. TRB Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, 13/01/2019.

26.Liu, D. INFORMS, Phenix, USA, 18/11/2018

27.Liu, D. Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), Houston, USA, 04/05/2018.

28.Liu, D. TRB Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, 07/01/2018.

29.Liu, D. TRB Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, 07/01/2017.

30.Liu, D., Impact of the value of time on Mode choice of freight intermodal transport. International Conference on Management of Information and Technology, Bali, Indonesia,24/06/2012.

31.Liu, D., Tavasszy L. Freight transport demand modeling: an introduction. The Asian Logistics Round Table (ALRT) Conference, Antwerp, Belgium. 11/12 /2010.


1.Vehicle Routing Planning, Data Sources and ITS. Presented at FAU-ITE student chapter event, Boca Raton, Florida. Feb 2021.

2.Freight Planning & Operational Logistics for the ''New Normal. Presented at Shanghai Maritime University, Dec 2020, Webinar.

3.Mapping of Truck Tonnage in Florida Using Weigh-in-Motion Data. Presented at FAU-ITE student chapter event, Boca Raton, Florida. Jun 2020, Webinar.

4.Mapping of Truck Tonnage in Florida Using Weigh-in-Motion Data. Presented at FIU-ITE student chapter event, Miami, Florida. September 2019.

5.Evaluation of Truck Tonnage Estimation Methodologies, Florida Department of Transportation, Tallahassee, Florida, September 2019.

6.Sustainable Freight Network Design: Hybrid Approaches, Data Sources and ITS. Presented at FAU-ITE student chapter event, Boca Raton, Florida. September 2019.


1.运筹学, 2021-2022

2.智能计算, 2021-2022,2022-2023,2023-2024

3.供应链物流系统建模与仿真, 2021-2022,2022-2023


5.Transportation Operations and Logistics Management, 2020-2021,英文 

6. Transportation System Analysis, 2019-2020,英文 

7.物流网络规划与设计, 2015






Standing Committee of Economic Development and Land Use (AMS50), Transportation             Research Board

Member of The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)

Member of Women Transportation Studies (WTS) 

Member of American society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)


Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review

IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems

International Journal of Production Economics

Journal of Advanced Transportation

Transportmetrica A: Transport Science

IEEE Access

Journal of Cleaner Production

Applied Science



TRB Annual Meeting

IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC)

7th Annual UTC Conference


1.陕西省交通运输科学技术奖陕西省公路学会, 2019, 三等奖

2.物联网感知与孤独症患儿, “创青春”陕西省大学生创业大赛, 指导老师, 大学生创业大赛组委会, 2015, 银奖