Seong-Hyun Nam











Helleloid,D., Nam, S.-H., Schultz, P., Vitton, J. (2015). The U.S. Airline Industry in2015. Journal of The International Academy For Case Studies, 21(5),113-125.

Helleloid,D., Vitton, J., Nam, S.-H. (2015). The Rise and Decline of an American Icon:Montgomery Ward Company. Academy of Business Research Journal, 1(2015),7-25.

 Valentine, S., Nam, S.-H., Hollingworth, D.,Hall, C. (2014). Ethical Context and Ethical Decision Making: Examination of anAlternative Statistical Approach for Identifying Variable Relationships.Journal of Business Ethics, 124(3), 509-526.

Vitton,J., Nam, S.-H. (2013). If you're Out of Schlitz, You're Out of Beer! Journalof Critical Incidents/The Society for Case Research, 6, 110-116.

kurata,h., Nam, S.-H. (2013). After-sales Service Competition in a Supply Chain: DoesUncertainty Impact on the Inconsistency between Profit Maximization andCustomer? International Journal of Production Economics, 144(1), 268-280.

Nam,S.-H., Vitton, J., KURATA, H. (2011). Robust Supply Base Management:Determining the Optimal Number of Suppliers Utilized by Contractors. InternationalJournal of Production Economics, 134, 333-343.

Nam,S.-H., KURATA, H., Vitton, J., Park, J. (2010). Determining Optimal Price andOrder Quantity under the Uncertainty in Demand and Supplier Price. InternationalJournal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, 3(4), 1-24.

Nam,S.-H., Kurata, H. (2007). Impact of a Loss Leader Strategy on Supply ChainPricing and Stocking. Yokohama Business Review, 2(28), 141-162.

Park,J., Nam, S.-H. (2006). Teaching Lot-Sizing Decisions: ASpreadsheet/Mixed-Integer Programming Approach. Decision Science Journal ofInnovative Education, Vol. 4(No.1, Jan. 2006),



Operation Management


多次在国际型会议(如Hawaii Global Conference on Business and FinanceNational Business and Economics Society Sixteenth Annual ConferenceNational Business & Economics SocietyINFORMS Annual Meeting)中发表学术演讲。


担任多个国际型期刊的专业审稿人,期刊包含International Journal of Production Economics, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, European Journal of Operational Research, SAGE Publications, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences, International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management, International Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of Information System and Supply Chain Management 
