
发布时间:2021-11-29        浏览量:1387


地点:经管大楼A楼 四楼第二会议室报告厅

主题:市场分割与企业生存(The effect of market segmentation on firm survial)


简介:李丽霞,BOB半岛·体育官方网站国贸系讲师,经济学博士,毕业于上海财经大学区域经济学专业,美国东密歇根大学联合培养博士。主要研究领域为区域和城市经济。论文发表于《经济学(季刊)》、《经济学动态》、《改革》、《经济理论与经济管理》、《中国软科学》、Growth and Change,Sustainability等。


This paper mainly examines the economic effects of regional integrationfrom the perspective of firm survival. According to the results, although firmsbenefit from market segmentation in the inauguration period, the protectiondiminishes afterwards and eventually becomes a hazard to the firm survival.This paper also takes one step further in finding that market segmentation maydistort the resource allocation by protecting low-productivity andlow-profitability firms from exiting the market.