
发布时间:2021-12-15        浏览量:1408



主题:不确定性指标对于经济变量的预测能力分析(How well does uncertainty forecast economic activity? )


简介:徐佳文,BOB半岛·体育官方网站金融系副教授。2013年获得美国波士顿大学经济学博士学位,师从著名计量经济学家Pierre Perron教授。主要研究领域包括时间序列分析、金融计量、宏观预测模型等,专注于模型系数的不稳定性、经济金融体系的不确定性以及金融模糊性方面的研究,主持国家自然科学基金青年项目《时变系数混频动态因子模型的研究及应用》,参与国家自然科学基金面上及应急项目,在SSCI收录期刊上发表论文多篇。


Despite the enormous reach and influence of the literature on economic and economic policy uncertainty, the forecasting performance of economic uncertainty measures has been surprisingly under-researched. We evaluate the ability of several popular measures of uncertainty to forecast in-sample and out-of-sample over real and financial outcome variables, as well as over different quantiles of the GDP growth distribution. Real-time data and estimation considerations are highly consequential, owing to look-ahead bias. We construct new real-time versions of both macroeconomic (Jurado et al. (2015)) and financial uncertainty Ludvigson et al. (forthcoming), and analyze them together with their ex-post counterparts. We find some explanatory power in all uncertainty measures, with relatively good performance by ex-post macroeconomic uncertainty (MU). However, real-time MU performs poorly compared to its ex-post counterpart, a finding that we relate to sub-sample instability in the performance of ex-post MU.