Corporate Culture and Innovation: A Tale from Emerging Market

发布时间:2021-12-27        浏览量:600


地点:经管大楼A楼 四楼第二会议室报告厅

报告人:王峣鹏 (BOB半岛·体育官方网站)

内容简介:We examine the influence of corporate culture on innovation using a unique set of data from Chinese listed companies over the period 2008–2017. Using the competing value framework, we quantify corporate culture using textual analysis of financial statements. We find a positive and significant impact of a creation culture on innovation measured by both patent applications and citations, as well as innovation efficiency. We address endogeneity concerns and conduct a battery of robustness tests, including alternative proxies for both corporate innovation and culture, and conclude that variations in culture have a significant impact on firm-level innovation. We also show that a strong creation culture is more likely to spur innovation for firms in more competitive product markets and firms that are subject to higher managerial career concerns. We provide empirical evidence that corporate culture is an important driver in enhancing innovation. Our results have clear implications for directors and shareholders. 

报告人介绍:王峣鹏博士现就职于BOB半岛·体育官方网站金融系。他目前的研究领域是金融科技、公司金融、公司创新和IPO。他的研究成果在许多国际会议上都有所发表,包括国际公司治理协会和欧洲金融管理协会。他还在《British Journal of Management》(ABS4)上发表了一篇研究企业文化与创新之间关系的论文。他持有英国伯明翰大学金融学博士学位,并持有CFA II 和FRM I的资格.他也是几个期刊的审稿人,包括Business Ethics: A European Review和Research in International Business and Finance。