
发布时间:2023-10-18        浏览量:120

时间:2023年10月21日 09:00—12:20(GMT+08:00)





内容简介:大多数小动物功能磁共振成像(fMRI)是在麻醉或镇静状态下进行的,但清醒动物成像的最新进展显示了其独特的优势,因为它消除了麻醉对神经和血管功能的影响。为此,我们在 9.4T 下开发了清醒小鼠和狨猴 fMRI 范式,优化了预处理和分析流程,并能在 fMRI 期间进行主动行为。与我们的清醒小鼠 fMRI 平台(如光遗传学/光纤记录和电生理)的多模态整合,可进一步剖析局部和全局功能网络。例如,基于以上范式,我们开发了基于同时电生离的小鼠睡眠 fMRI 方法。利用这种方法,我们发现睡眠状态的转换是全局性、非对称性和连续性的,进一步利用 LSTM 模型可以提前长达 17.8 秒预测睡眠状态转换。结合海马电生理记录的睡眠 fMRI 显示,在 NREM 状态下,尖波涟漪(sharp wave ripple)触发的全局响应显著强于清醒状态,而这可能是由于纺锤波(spindle)事件的共同发生。综上,多模态融合的清醒小鼠和狨猴 fMRI 在神经科学研究中具有巨大潜力。





报告人简介:曾春华,2014年6月获博士学位,现为昆明理工大学二级教授,主要从事统计物理与复杂系统的研究。在Natil. Sci. Rev.、Phys. Rev. Research和Phys. Rev. E等期刊发表SCI论文114篇。


报告3:Noise-induced coexisting firing patterns inhybrid-synaptic interacting networks

内容简介:Variability in synaptic conductance has beenevidenced by neuroscientists, but the precise mechanisms whereby it contributesto coexisting firing activities are subtle and remain elusive. We present anexcitatory–inhibitory balanced neural network of nodes with hybrid synapticcoupling to investigate the dynamic role of synaptic noise intensity andexcitatory weight in the appearance of coexisting firing patterns. This neuralnetwork can produce two forms of coexisting firing patterns: time-varying andparameter-dependent multistability under different combinations of synapticnoise intensity and excitatory weight. Synaptic noise intensity and excitatoryweight are significant but different in producing two forms of coexistingfiring states. Synaptic noise is beneficial for the emergence of various firingpatterns and their firing transitions, and excitatory weight can change thesynaptic noise intensity range of coexisting firing states. Our results shedlight on the emergence of multistability in neuronal networks with hybridinteractions and peak synaptic variability.

报告人简介:徐克生,江苏大学教授,硕士生导师。2015年6月毕业于华东师范大学物理系,获理学博士学位,师从刘宗华教授。徐克生在Physical Review E、Chaos、Nonlinear dynamics、Chaos Soliton & Fractals 等国际期刊发表30篇SCI学术论文,是Physical ReviewE、Nonlinear dynamics等国际期刊审稿人,主持完成了智利国家优秀博士后项目和江苏大学高层次人才启动项目,目前正在合作主持国家自然基金项目1项。


报告4:Extremal statistics for a resettingBrownian motion before its first-passage time

内容简介:In this talk,I will introduce theextreme value statistics of a one-dimensional resetting Brownian motion (RBM)till its first passage through the origin starting from the positive position x0.By deriving the exit probability of RBM in an interval [0, M] from theorigin, we obtain the distribution of the maximum displacement M andthus gives the expected value of M as functions of the resetting rate rand x0. We find that the expectation decreases monotonically as theresetting rate increases, and tends to 2x0 as r→∞.In the opposite limit, the expectation diverges logarithmically as theresetting rate tends to zero. Moreover, we derive the propagator of RBM in theLaplace domain in the presence of both absorbing ends, and then leads to thejoint distribution of M and the time tm at which thismaximum is achieved in the Laplace domain by using a path decompositiontechnique, from which the expected value of tm is obtainedexplicitly. Interestingly, the mean tm shows a nonmonotonicdependence on the resetting rate, and attains its minimum at an optimalresetting rate.

报告人简介:陈含爽,安徽大学物理与光电工程学院教授。2005年获安徽师范大学物理学专业理学学士学位,2008年及2011年分别获安徽师范大学和中国科学技术大学理学硕士和博士学位。在多尺度方法发展和应用、复杂网络上非平衡相变、布朗运动研究中取得了有意义的进展。在国际有影响的刊物(如Phys. Rev. E, New J. Phys., J. Chem. Phys., J.Stat. Mech,. Chaos, EPL, Physica A等)发表论文50余篇,研究成果受到了PRL、Adv. Phys., Phys. Rep.等杂志的正面引用。受邀担任Phys. Rev. E, EPL, Chaos, Phys. Lett. A, Physica A,理论物理通讯等刊物的审稿人。


报告5:The effects of long-range connections onnavigation in suprachiasmatic nucleus networks

内容简介:In the mammaliansuprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), the cellular oscillators communicate within aneuronal network to regulate   thecircadian rhythms of physiological and behavioral activity. However, how thenetwork topology drives the information communication in the SCN remains poorlyunderstood, especially for the effects of long-range connections. In this talk,we investigate the roles of long-range connections on navigation in spatiallyembedded SCN networks. First, we show that the SCN networks can be embeddedinto hidden hyperbolic metric spaces with a simple connectivity law, and thehyperbolic distances can measure the long-range connections. Second, we presentthat after removing a small fraction of connections with long hyperbolicdistances, the residual SCN network can still maintain the robustness of thesystem and relatively efficient information communication. In contrast, thenetwork becomes very vulnerable after removing the same fraction of connectionswith long distances in Euclidean space. The navigability between left and rightSCN is seriously damaged. The roles of short- and long-range connections arevirtually indistinguishable in Euclidean space. Third, we adopt a biophysicalmodel to verify the findings in navigation and show that highly efficientnavigation implies the system can sustain the circadian rhythm better. Ourresults suggest that long-range connections in Euclidean space are undoubtedlymeaningful in maintaining the stability and navigability of a system. Incontrast, distances in the underlying hyperbolic space can provide almostperfectly navigable maps of SCN networks. 

报告人简介:郑木华,江苏大学教授,博士生导师,江苏特聘教授。2017年博士毕业于华东师范大学,2015至2016年在美国纽约城市大学Hernán Makse教授课题组联合培养,2017至2020年在巴塞罗那大学Marián Boguñá和M. Ángeles Serrano教授课题组从事博士后研究工作。研究方向为非线性物理与复杂网络、脑科学、复杂网络在双曲空间中的映射及应用、网络传播动力学等。目前已在PNAS, Nat. Commun., Natl. Sci. Rev., Phys. Rev. E等国际著名期刊上发表论文近30篇。相关研究成果被AAAS EurekAlert,News Medical,MedicalXpress,News wise,Technologynetworks等多家在学术界有重要影响力的杂志和媒体专门报道。先后参与欧盟、西班牙及中国国家自然科学基金5项。目前主持国家青年基金、江苏特聘教授人才项目、江苏大学高层次人才启动基金各1项。



