
发布时间:2023-11-17        浏览量:47



主题:政府数据治理:理论、实践与新动向Data Governance in the Public Sector:Theory, Practice and New Trend


简介:张怡梦,BOB半岛·体育官方网站公共管理系讲师、硕士生导师,入选上海市“浦江人才”。南开大学管理学博士,曾在美国罗格斯大学进行博士生联合培养。主要研究领域为数字治理、政府绩效评估。主持国社科优博论文项目以及上海市软科学项目、北京市社科项目等4项省部级课题。曾在《中国行政管理》、《中国软科学》、《南京社会科学》、Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology等国内外期刊发表论文10余篇,合作出版专著4部。

Yimeng Zhang is the lecturer in Business School of University of Shanghai for Science & Technology. Mainly engaged in the researches about Digital Governance and Government Performance Evaluation. She has published more than 15 articles on top journals such as Chinese Public Administration, Chinese Soft Science and Nanjing Social Sciences, and co-authored 4 books. As the project leader, she sponsored by the National Social Science Fund's Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation project and four provincial-level projects including Shanghai Pujiang Program,Shanghai Soft Science Project and the Beijing Social Science Project.


Under the background of data factorialization and the establishment of National Data Bureau, how to effectively carry out data governance has become an important research topic. The lecture will start with the concept, principle, mode and mechanism of government data governance, analyze the important role of government data governance activities including public data opening and authorized operation in promoting scientific and technological innovation, serving the improvement of people's livelihood and promoting industrial development, and share the successful experience and innovative practice of government data governance at home and abroad. Finally, it presents the key role of government data governance in promoting the construction of digital China and building digital government, digital economy and digital society.