
发布时间:2023-12-22        浏览量:45


地点:经管大楼A楼 四楼第二会议室报告厅

主题:城市内部迁居时空模式及其影响机理研究Residential Mobility Spatio-temporal Patterns and Influence Mechanism


简介:茆三芹,BOB半岛·体育官方网站公共管理系讲师。香港浸会大学哲学博士。主要研究方向为人口流动、城市住房等。在Urban StudiesEnvironment and Planning APopulation, Space and PlaceInternational Journal of Urban and Regional ResearchIJURR)等期刊发表论文10余篇。

Mao Sanqin, Lecturer, Department of Public Administration of Business school from University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (USST). She got her PHD degree from Hong Kong Baptist University. Her research interests include population mobility and urban housing. She has published over 10 papers in prestigious journals including Urban Studies, Environment and Planning APopulation, Space and Place, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research(IJURR).


During past decades China has experienced unprecedented changes under a series of institutional reforms. Large-scale population mobility induced by urbanization has accelerated urban spatial restructuring. Residential differentiation and migrants’ housing problems have become research hotspots. However, residential mobility as well as its associated consequences are ignored in recent literature. To address the research gap, this study tries to explore such relatively neglected yet important process underlying China’s unprecedented urban transformation. It will investigate residential mobility patterns from characters such as residential trajectories, housing type and length of residence. The study is not only supplement to exist quantitative study, but also gives instructions to urban housing supply, urban resource allocation and residential integration.