
发布时间:2024-03-28        浏览量:11



主题:隐含能源转移的全球性转变与动力解析(The shift of embodied energy flows among the Global South and Global North in the post-globalization era)


简介:周彦楠,BOB半岛·体育官方网站公共管理系讲师。中国科学院大学理学博士,研究方向为能源环境管理与区域可持续发展。在Energy EconomicsJournal of Environmental ManagementResource Conservation and RecyclingJournal of Geographic Sciences等期刊发表论文十余篇,核心参与国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目、重点项目、面上项目、国家重点研发计划以及地方发展规划课题等十余项。

Yannan Zhou is a lecturer at the Business School, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology. She holds a Doctor of Science degree from the University of Chinese Academy of Science. Her research focus is on energy environmental management and regional sustainable development. She has published over 10 research articles in peer-reviewed journals such as Energy Economics, Journal of Environmental Management, Resource Conservation and Recycling, Journal of Geographic Sciences, and so on. She has participated in more than 10 research projects including the National Natural Science Foundation Excellent Young Scientists Fund Program, Key Program, General Program, National Key Research and Development Project, and local development planning projects.


Concerns about the energy associated with the manufacturing of a product or service or so-called embodied energy in international trade have been increasing due to global energy shortages and environmental degradation. With globalisation slowing, the shifting global spatial patterns and driving forces of energy embodied in international trade deserve deeper investigation. Using the most up-to-date multi-regional input-output database (GTAP 11), this research analyses the spatial pattern and driving forces of change for energy embodied in international trade among the Global North and South, namely developed and developing countries, from 2000 to 2019. The results show that North-North trade dominates global embodied energy transfers, although its dominance is waning. The growth of embodied energy transfers is shifting from South-North to South-South trade. Yet the difference in embodied energy transfers between the Global South to Global North remains huge. In further parsing the drivers behind embodied energy transfers, this research finds that the scale of trade was the primary driver of growth in global embodied energy transfers, but its effect was fading and even had a weak negative effect on North-North and North-South embodied energy transfers between 2014 and 2019. Energy intensity was the primary inhibitor of global embodied energy transfers but with a declining influence except for South-South trade in the later stage (24.28% during 2014–2019). The role of trade structure effects on global embodied energy transfers became increasingly evident, especially in the later phase (2014–2019) for South-South (33.08%) and South-North trade (13.22%). In contrast, changes in production structure had a small impact on global embodied energy transfers. The findings show the importance of portraying embodied energy flows to help identify the main drivers and reemphasize the need to reduce energy consumption along global value chains.