Next Step this Summer | Business School: Staying Motivated, Opening up New Prospects, and Creating a New Chapter


Diving deep into the history of the School, highlighting its characteristics, all members of the Business School have been telling its own story, fully aggregating its resources and continuously developing approaches to running the School, broadening diversified channels, and making every effort to increase employment rate... This summer, all the faculty and students of the Business School have kept moving forward and making the aforementioned contributions to the School in addition to devoting themselves to scientific research. The 40-year history of the Business School not only makes them proud but also challenges them to hold themselves to a higher standard at the same time. They would not slack in the slightest. Rather, they focus on the key tasks of the School, stay motivated, open up new prospects, and keep writing new chapters for the School’s future development.

Fully demonstrate the characteristics of the School and revamp its brand

If you visit the website of the Business School these days, you will surely be impressed by the refreshing website featuring carefully selected scrolling photos, clear information layout, and ingenious column settings... After more than three months of construction, the new website of the school was officially launched on July 24. The dedication to details has made the visual effects, the content, and functions of the website widely praised by teachers and students alike. It will also play a pivotal role in the School’s undergraduate, master's and doctoral enrollment, domestic and global cooperation and exchanges, as well as brand building.

For the scrolling pictures alone, we carefully selected the picture of 'AACSB certification in 2018' and the one of 'Hsue-Shen Tsien attending the establishment ceremony of the Institute of Systems Engineering in 1979', which marked two milestones in the School’s 40-year history, and another five pictures marking significant events of the school in recent years, including the picture of ‘the completion of the new Economic Management Building’, and the one of ‘professional degree education center being brought back to Fuxing Road campus’, showcasing the School’s profound education heritage and today’s international environment”, said Wei Wang, secretary of the School’s party committee.

Business School’s new website launched

What also impressed the teachers and students was the School’s first ever advertisement for professional degree admissions in the Shanghai Metro. The well-written Chinese slogans which can be rendered as “Passing on the century-old business culture of Shanghai’s universities”, “Immersed in internationally certified business education” among other slogans attracted the attention of travelers passing by. On one hand, the advertisement promoted USST and USST Business School to a wider audience. On the other hand, the alumni who saw the advertisement would proudly claim that “I graduated from USST Business School”. Meanwhile, in order to accelerate the development of professional degree education, the School has set an ambitious goal for the 2021 professional degree enrollment. For this reason, the teachers at the Professional Degree Center carefully prepared the WeChat version of the MBA admissions guide during the summer, and actively prepared for the early interviews for MBA, MPA, and MEM programs with the strong support from the school.

The advertisement for professional degree programs at USST in Metro stations

The well-designed brochure for professional degree programs of USST

The website revamp and the ad placement have improved the School’s social visibility to a certain extent, but now the question lies in how we could fully demonstrate its characteristics and continue to boost its brand and reputation. With this in mind, the School’s leadership team held a special brand promotion seminar on July 22, working on a series of aspects including EDP executive training, professional degree training, discipline construction, academic forums, alumni visiting, academic salons, school-enterprise cooperation, enrollment promotion, think tank construction and outstanding alumni promotion. Professor Laijun Zhao, Dean of the School, said, “As the metaphor goes, the aroma of the best wine would not be strong enough to reach the other end of a deep alley. Increasing the brand promotion of the School not only helps us meet the requirements for AACSB re-accreditation and EQUIS accreditation but also holds great strategic significance for the School’s recruitment of outstanding applicants, improving education quality, and boosting social influence.

Business School brand promotion seminar

Fully mobilize resources and continuously explore the direction of school operation

On July 21, “Tea Party with Deans” was held in Conference Room 506 of the Business School. Representatives of USST School of Mechanical Engineering, School of Energy and Power Engineering, and School of Medical Instrument and Food Engineering gathered together to talk about collaborative talent training and scientific research cooperation. As everyone was looking forward to, the meeting produced a substantive and practicable result, namely the Strategic Cooperation Framework Agreement for Medical Device Management MBA between Business School and School of Medical Instrument and Food Engineering, which wasdrafted and completed by the Business School. Both parties will be committed to cultivating top-tier international talents in the field of medical device management in China. With the rise of interdisciplinary fields that integrate medicine and engineering, the Business School and School of Medical Instrument and Food Engineering will join hands to create a special medical device MBA program, which will surely promote the development of disciplines and talent training, and achieve a win-win situation, Professor Baolin Liu, Dean of School of Medical Instrument and Food Engineering, said with expectation. In addition, the Business School EDP will also conduct in-depth cooperation with the School of Mechanical Engineering on intelligent manufacturing for executive training.

Photo taken at “Tea Party with Deans”

In addition to uniting forces within the school, the School’s party and administration leadership team also actively “ventured out” to further improve the alumni working mechanism, cultivate alumni culture with the School’s characteristics and improve the quality of alumni work. Since the beginning of this summer, they have visited Shanghai Alliance Investment Ltd., Shanghai Pangyuan Construction Machinery Rental Co.,Ltd., Shanghai Tunnel Engineering Co., Ltd., Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Jing'an District CPPCC, among other places where USST  alumni work. The alumni they visited include Guoxiong Zhou, Gui Lu, Jian Qin, Zhaoyi Chai, Chunhui Qian, Yingjing Bao. The leadership team actively invited the alumni to participate in the development of their alma mater, listened to their opinions and suggestions on school brand building, internationalization process, faculty development and talent training as a first-class business school, and reached initial cooperation intentions regarding issues of party building, joint development, academic exchanges, school-enterprise cooperation that enables integration of industry, education and research, think tank establishment, internship and employment opportunities for graduates. Their joint efforts will continuously deepen the new connotation of building a first-class business school.

The party leaders and administrative officers of the School visited members of the alumni council in the summer

Fully integrate forces and mobilize the entire School to facilitate employment

The school held more than 30 employment facilitation meetings, hosted virtual job fairs providing close to 400 positions, and helped 60% of the graduates who wanted to prepare for postgraduate entrance exams for the second time to change their minds and successfully get employed. These exciting numbers could not have been achieved without the joint efforts of faculty and students of the Business School. Facing the daunting challenge of helping graduates find jobs during the epidemic, the Business School has effectively carried out virtual employment by holding virtual job fairs. Through delivering students to companies, it closely connects the demands and needs between employers and graduates. Through the approach of “many-to-one” consultation, students received individualized attention and guidance throughout the whole job-hunting process, and a great atmosphere where everyone cares about employment and everyone participates in facilitating employment has been formed in the School.

“In order to better understand the crux of employment difficulties in each department and help each department facilitate employment, the leadership team of our school divides the labor and contact related departments and majors, and through the combination of online and offline formats, we can discuss and determine the overall plan for facilitating employment for graduates of various majors by focusing on the characteristics of students, the status quo of the industry, employment guidance, market outreach, job recommendation”, said Yingying Pu, deputy secretary of the party committee of the School.

Employment facilitation requires full participation and continuous efforts. For this reason, on the second day of the university’s employment facilitation meeting, the Business School organized its own summer employment facilitation meeting. The meeting promptly conveyed the spirit of the university’s employment facilitation meeting. The leadership team analyzed the detailed employment data of the students of the School. All attendees conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges on the employment situation of the graduates of each department, the existing problems in the employment facilitation work, and the tips and tricks to excel in facilitating employment. Wei Wang said, “The next step is to continue to facilitate employment in phases and batches. Even in the summer, we must set measurable goals every week and see data changes every day so that every graduate can find good and stable employment.”

Business School held many employment facilitation meetings

Business School held a virtual job fair

Contributed by: News Center, and Business School

Author: Zhen Dong

Translator: Jianjia He