Moral Education and Teacher Ethics Research Department of Shanghai Teacher Training Center: The Teaching Team of the Department of Finance Developed the Teaching Project “Introduction to Finance”“Financial War: Epidemic Policy and Action



At the end of 2019, when the new crown pneumonia epidemic broke out, the efforts made by the Chinese government and people to prevent and control the epidemic and stabilize the economy are obvious, and their achievements have won high praise from people all over the world. How to use these vivid cases to integrate ideological and political elements into classroom teaching and deepen the feelings of patriotism, love for the party, people and socialism among students? The“Introduction to Finance” teaching team of the Department of Finance of the School developed the“Financial War--Pandemic” Policy and Action: Case Analysis and Comments teaching project, and adopted the online teaching method to share and discuss the financial industry’s epidemic prevention and control, and the promotion cases in the resumption of work and production of enterprises, including putting the epidemic prevention and control materials into the curriculum ideological and political teaching content.

[Strategic response]

1. Topic selection of the ideological and political project of the course “Introduction to Finance”

At the end of 2019, the new crown pneumonia epidemic broke out. Under the leadership of the Central Committee of CPC and the State Council, the social organizations and enterprises have provided assistance to maintain the normal working of the society, the epidemic prevention and control methods have quickly shown a steady and positive effect, and all parts of the country have been running in an orderly and safe manner. Enterprises resumed work and production. The financial industry quickly introduced policies and took actions, and various financial institutions solved actual financial problems through multiple channels to provide support and assistance for epidemic prevention and control, and resumption of work and production. These policies and actions provide a vivid case for the ideological and political teaching of the “Introduction to Finance” course. Through the collection and analysis of these cases, the curriculum ideological and political and professional knowledge learning are integrated, creating an atmosphere of “willing to learn” and “happy to learn” in the curriculum ideological and political middle school students.

2. The design of the teaching plan for the ideological and political project of “Introduction to Finance”

1) “Introduction to Finance” course’s ideological and political learning task package and requirements

The students need to collect supporting policies, measures and action cases in the financial industry since the outbreak of the epidemic, comment on the cases, and talk about your own perceptions. On this basis, carry out classroom case sharing. In the end, the students freely forme groups, and each group makes a paper. The project learning task package includes 3 assignments, including one personal written assignment, one class case sharing assignment and one group make the news-paper.

(1) Personal written work

Collect and comment on cases, talk about your own feelings, form documents, and make your own questions.

Requirements: The case narrative is concise and clear, and the text is fluent; the comments are professional and refined; the sentiment is true, and the social positive energy is spread; the number of words is more than 500 words.

(2) Class case sharing assignments

Starting from the third teaching week, 5 students will share each week. During the online class, the document is posted in the learning discussion area when sharing, which can be an attachment or directly copied text; each sharing is arranged for the last 25 minutes of online teaching, and each student has 5 minutes. Other students can comment and ask questions.

Requirements: Make case sharing according to the registration order, and proceed on time. If there is a reason that anyone cannot be shared, please provide evidence; respond to questions from students and teachers.

(3) Group newspaper homework

After all the students have finished sharing, the students freely form a team to draw a case report, and each group has 3-5 people. The last class is closed for submission. Requirements: Beautiful picture, real case, professional comments, sincere feelings; submit homework on time.

2) The score calculation method of the ideological and political project of “Introduction to Finance”

This major assignment accounts for 20% of the semester’s total assessment. Among them: a full score of 100 for personal written work, which accounts for 10% of the total evaluation of the semester; a full score of 100 for classroom case sharing, which accounts for 5% of the total evaluation of learning; a full score of 100 for group tabloid assignments, which accounts for 5% of the total evaluation of the semester, and group members score as group work score.

3). The organization method and form of the ideological and political project of the course “Introduction to Finance”

(1) Use of teaching network platform and teaching class establishment

Through the Chaoxing Fanya learning platform, introduce students who choose courses to establish a learning group. As the record to establish a class WeChat group, the online rate and online time of the students in the WeChat group can ensure the smooth communication between teachers and students. At the same time, in order to prevent problems with the stability of the Chaoxing teaching platform, students are required to download the Tencent meeting APP as the second plan for online teaching. In the class group, the monitor is selected through self-recommendation and is responsible for the communication between teachers and classmates.

(2) Online class work sharing order registration method

In order to ensure that the homework is carried out in an orderly manner, students are asked to fill in the case sharing time registration form according to their own data preparation and determine the order of class sharing. Complete the share order list at the end of the second week. If there are students who want to adjust their order in the future, please coordinate between them and report to the teacher.

(3) Organization and implementation methods of group newspaper operations

After the last group of sharing is completed, the students have understood each other’s case content, and the students can form a team freely to complete the case tabloid assignments. Each group appoints a student to be the group leader, responsible for the completion and submission of group assignments. Determine the tabloid assignment team list on the weekend of the eleventh week, and report the team member information to the class leader. The class leader fills in the tabloid task group list form and feeds it back to the teacher.

From the 12th week to the 15th week, 10 minutes are reserved for each classroom instruction for discussion among group members and collaboration to complete the tabloid homework. In the 16th week, the paper tabloid assignments will be handed over to the teacher after being collected by the monitor.

3. The preliminary progress and prospects of the ideological and political project of the course “Introduction to Finance”

1) Preliminary progress of the ideological and political project of “Introduction to Finance”

On February 20th, the teacher team posted the course ideological and political work to the discussion area of Chaoxing Learning Platform for use by 171 students and 4 teachers in 4 teaching classes. Figure 1 is the topic discussion assignment release in the discussion area of the learning platform.

By browsing the discussion area, students understand the basic requirements of the homework and prepare carefully. By March 9th, each class has completed the registration for the order of classwork sharing. According to the sharing order, 15 students have completed the sharing task by March 16. Judging from the homework shared in the discussion area, the quality is relatively high, and the students discussed enthusiastically.

2) Prospects for the implementation effect of the ideological and political project of the course “Introduction to Finance”

The efforts of the National People’s General Mobilization to participate in epidemic prevention and control have deeply moved the students. Through the implementation of this project, ideological and political education and professional knowledge learning are integrated, and the sharing and discussion lasts for one semester. There will be collisions of ideas and understanding among students, which promotes students to sublimate their perceptual knowledge into a rational consensus, and further deepen the students’ feelings of patriotism, love of the Party and love of socialism, and even more ardently love this land and the people who live in this land.

[Experience Extraction]

The ideological and political projects of the “Introduction to Finance” course have value for reference in terms of ideological and political education, online course construction and promotion and application value.

1. The curriculum ideological and political education significance of the project

After the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, every student directly or indirectly participated in the prevention and control work of the epidemic. Although each student has made a different contribution, they have personally experienced the epidemic prevention and control process. For the topic of epidemic prevention and control, students have something to say and think deeply. According to the discipline characteristics of finance, set up special discussion assignments to provide students with a platform to share students’ knowledge and perceptions of epidemic prevention and control and resumption of production in professional fields, refine mainstream views, enhance the overall concept of the national chess game, and deepen understanding of the superiority of our country’s system, sublimate one’s own values.

2. The significance of the online course construction of the project

The “Guiding Opinions” issued by the Ministry of Education puts forward 9 tasks, the third of which is about the guarantee of online teaching quality. It puts forward requirements in terms of teaching management measures, learning assessments, student online learning conditions, and research and development of online test questions. The quality of online learning and offline classroom teaching is essentially equivalent. As a major task for the development of ideological and political courses, this project has designed a learning task package, stipulating the proportion of each learning task in the assessment, which belongs to the construction of special test questions, to ensure the essence of online ideological and political teaching and offline classroom ideological and political teaching, etc. Effectiveness provides protection.

3. The project has the sustainable application value

This project was developed during the epidemic and applied to the teaching course of this semester. After the epidemic is over, continuous ideological and political education on epidemic prevention and control among students in subsequent sessions is also great significance.




Figure.2 & Figure.3
