[Media reports] Guangming Daily: A Memory That will never be Forgotten --- After Reading “Memory of FangChang Makeshift Hospital”



Memory of FangChang Makeshift Hospital

Liu Zhongmin Wang Tao Co-edited

Shanghai Science and Technology Literature Press

The new crown pneumonia epidemic will be recorded in the history in the spring of 2020. In the Wuhan and the Hubei, as old saying “one is in difficulty and all will support”, 344 medical teams and 42,322 medical workers rushed to assist from all over the country. The construction of the FangChang Makeshift Hospital in Wuhan is a pioneering effort in our country’s fight against the epidemic, which has played a key role in the victory of Wuhan’s epidemic prevention and control work, and has provided valuable experience for the world to fight the epidemic. China has achieved a staged victory in the fight against the epidemic, but the epidemic was still spreading rapidly in the world. Other countries have learned from China’s experience and also built makeshift hospitals to prevent and control the epidemic. At this time, Shanghai Science and Technology Literature Publishing House published the “Memory of FangChang Makeshift Hospital” co-edited by Professor Liu Zhongmin, the dean of the Oriental Hospital Affiliated to Tongji University, and Professor Wang Tao, deputy leader of the National Emergency Medical Rescue Team (Shanghai) in Wuhan. This book is the first documentary report recording in China, about the actual situation of how the Fangcang makeshift hospital help to fight against the epidemic.

During the epidemic, 16 makeshift hospitals were built in Wuhan, treating more than 12,000 patients. A total of 79 supporting medical teams and 8,212 medical workers rushed to the front line of Wuhan from all over the country to participate in the operation of Wuhan makeshift hospitals and devote themselves to patient medical treatment. The medical staff, patients, volunteers, staff, and the family members who paid silently left behind a lot of moving stories, which are worthy of permanent memory. The whole book is divided into five parts: patients, medical care, interviews, medical care and family members, and volunteers. It uses the most ordinary and simple language but focuses on the most real and moving emotions, depicting you, the magnificent poems about me and him fighting the epidemic together have left an indelible memory for the world.

If we use one word to describe our own feelings after the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia, perhaps the first words that pop up in many people’s minds are worry, fear, fear, or even death. In the limited life course of each person, most of us have never experienced things that we have experienced in the past 4 months. When people faced the unknown situation, it is also the time when the fear in our hearts sprouts. For those people in Wuhan who are at the center of the epidemic, this kind of fear should be more real. Under the shadow of death, this kind of fear may be able to swallow people. However, despite facing countless unknowns, facing severe epidemics, and facing the test of life and death among the people recorded in “Memory of FangChang Makeshift Hospital”, they were not easily swallowed by fear. On the contrary, they used faith, bravery, and persistence. And hard work propped up the cabin of life.

In our eyes, the group of people working and living in Wuhan FangChang Makeshift Hospitalr Hospital is a bit special. They are sick patients, retrograde healers, selfless volunteers, police officers who enter the hospital for duty... Race against life. Although we can learn about the epidemic across space through the Internet, and although our cities and rural areas are also under epidemic prevention and control, we, outside of Wuhan, still cannot imagine what they experienced and feel their emotions. But after reading the book “Memory of FangChang Makeshift Hospital”, the first book in China to record the joint fight against the epidemic by patients and medical staff in makeshift hospitals made that special group of people become clear, cordial and close in our minds. Even if they are tortured by the virus, even if they wear heavy protective clothing, and even if they may be infected by the virus at any time, they are still ordinary people like you and me, with the truest and simple emotions like all ordinary people, that is to life. Incomparable love and courage to take responsibility.

The “I” in the book is the most beautiful “retrograde” who “If there is a war, I will be recalled; overcome the difficulties and win the battle”, they come from different parts of the country, but they all shoulder the same mission, that is, to protect life! In each diary, we saw a lively face, some did not hesitate when receiving the start order, some helpless when facing the death of life before our eyes, some tired faces when taking off protective clothing, some The joy of getting praise and gratitude from the patient, and the confidence to win when fighting side by side... No matter which face it is, the beating heart is tightly bound to the patient. They are white angels, and they are also warriors against the epidemic. When the motherland and the people need it most, they leave their homes and care for everyone, regardless their lives and deaths, and rushing to the forefront of the epidemic. They deserve all praise. They are new heroes of the times.

The “you” in the book is the “main attacker” who was unfortunately hit by the virus. Despite the threat of death, the hope born in the makeshift hospital has revived and warmed the heart that was originally depressed and even cold and desperate. Be optimistic. Among them, there are old people in ancient times, young and immature children, fathers who are the backbone of the family, and mothers who are worried about isolating their children. Although they are not as beautiful as those written by literary writers, they reveal What comes out is the true feelings of ordinary people. Some wind and rain can only be carried by themselves, and some responsibilities must be undertaken bravely. For oneself, for family, for society, and for the country, one must be strong and hold on. Their gratitude is simple: “Actively cooperate with the treatment, consciously maintain order, and strive to get out of the cabin as soon as possible.” “If you need help one day, we will definitely come without hesitation!”

There is also ordinary heroic “him” in the book. Volunteers with no orders, no income, and no assessments. They only talk about dedication. Wherever there is need, there will be their presence. He drives the multifunctional “little blue” as a makeshift hospital. It provides material support and logistical support for its normal operation, uses professional knowledge to provide psychological counseling for patients, and silently supplies “ammunition” to the front of the fight against the epidemic. Just as a volunteer said, “I am a dust in this battle, but the dust of all China together is a great power.”

There are also “they” who are waiting for the “retrograde” to return home, sensible children, anxious lovers, anxious parents, and silently supporting brothers and sisters. Although they are afraid and worried, they acted as heroes to fight the epidemic.

The most moving thing in the book is the records of Shanghai Dongfang Hospital nurse Qin Wenjia’s interviewing to patients, security guards and police on duty in the makeshift hospital. These records have not been subjected to any artificial processing. Every question of the interviewer, every answer of the interviewee, everything is true and simple, and their dialogue is just like happening in front of us. Qin Wenjia asked: “You are safe here. Does your family know about it? Don’t worry?” Qin Hao replied, “Yes, I have only my father and two younger sisters in my house. I have to rely on me to take care of this house. For ourselves, we can help others.” Between this question and answer, we learned about the real lives of ordinary people in the makeshift hospital, and felt that even if they faced the virus, they still had a glimmer of sunshine in their hearts.

Wuhan FangChang Makeshift Hospital was opened from February 7th to March 8th. Although it only took a short period of one month, as the book said, there are always some people who are worth remembering forever. There are always some things. It is unforgettable forever. The heart is like a flower and tree, and we are born in the sun. We are fortunate to be in China and proud of being born in China.


Source: Guangming Daily

Author: Zhao Laijun, Professor, Business School of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology

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