During the war against the COVID, talk about “ideological and political” ¦¦ The third of the series of ideological and political reports on the public service management teaching team of the Business School


In the public service management teaching, it is important to combine current political content to conduct ideological and political education for students, and effectively integrate timeliness and educational content. Such as teaching in conjunction with the recent battle against new coronary pneumonia in my country.


1. The national policy orientation that puts people’s interests first.

When it comes to public utilities providing public products and public services to the society, the manifestations of the nature of different countries are different. Although the cost of treatment for each patient is high, our country provides free treatment for all patients regardless of ethnicity, region, gender, rich or poor, occupation, and social status. This is completely a manifestation of the superiority of the socialist system, and it is also the best manifestation of our party and government putting people’s interests first. On the other hand, when the most developed United States is carrying out nucleic acid testing on patients today, it is also the priority for the rich and status, and it is difficult for people without money, rights and status to have the opportunity to be tested. At the same time, testing and treatment costs are particularly the most expensive, and people without commercial insurance have to stay away. It is for this reason that many overseas Chinese and overseas students have to go back to China after all the hardships.


   It is the balance between the resumption of work and production and the protection of people’s lives and health. The party and the state have also adopted an extremely cautious and responsible attitude. It is necessary to resume work and production step by step and to restore normal social and economic order, but also to ensure people’s lives and health, prevent a large-scale epidemic rebound, and ensure that neither is wrong.


2. The superiority of the socialist system to concentrate its efforts on major tasks.

After the outbreak of new coronary pneumonia in Wuhan, a large number of patients broke out in a very short period of time, and Wuhan did not have enough medical resources to deal with it. It was during the traditional Chinese family reunion festival like the 30th of the Lunar New Year. The party and the government ordered more than 40,000 medical workers from all over the country to bring their own medical supplies to Wuhan and Hubei from all over the country. support. Many medical workers have not had time to finish the New Year’s Eve dinner that Chinese people value most in a year, some say goodbye to their young children, and some have just finished their duty from the hospital... These respectable and lovely angels in white have come with the most dedicated attitude. When dealing with it, it is possible to recruit, to fight, and to win.


  On another front, from the top leader of the country to the most ordinary people, the whole country has donated money and materials to support the fight against the epidemic. The whole country has formed a game of chess and one mind. Such a situation can only be achieved by a socialist country like ours. This is the advantage of our system.


3. The people across the country have demonstrated strong cohesion and centripetal force.

In the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia, the Party Central Committee issued an order to immediately “close the city” including cities like Wuhan with a population of tens of millions. The people of the whole country also responded to the call to isolate themselves at home, do not visit or meet, and reduce contact and exchanges, effectively blocking the spread of the epidemic. This enabled our country to avoid a large-scale outbreak of the epidemic, and also minimized casualties and losses. This fully shows that the people under the socialist system of our country have strong cohesion and centripetal force, and the Party Central Committee has the greatest appeal. The leadership of the party has won the support and support of the broad masses of the people.


4. The best embodiment of our country’s decision-making efficiency and execution.

During this epidemic prevention and control process, the Party Central Committee with Xi Jinping as the General Secretary has made every step of the decision, including mobilizing elite medical personnel across the country to fight an epidemic prevention and control battle, annihilation war, and adopting the national “early detection, early reporting, and early A series of methods and measures such as isolation and early treatment have been implemented efficiently and effectively. In Wuhan, where the epidemic is the most severe, it operates in accordance with the wartime model. The whole people are mobilized, with one heart and one mind, and go all out, so that the decision-making has been fully implemented.


5. One side is in trouble, and all sides support the benevolent love.

In order to support the outbreak of the epidemic, Hubei Province is the most concentrated. Brother units across the country donate money and materials regardless of personal gains and losses, regardless of cost. We have seen from the media that simple fellows in Shandong have donated fresh vegetables including radishes and garlic, as far away as Hainan, they have donated fresh melons and fruits to drive into Wuhan, where the epidemic is the worst. Medical and anti-epidemic materials donated from all over the country are also continuously sent to all parts of Hubei. This fully embodies the boundless love of the whole country and the people of the whole country.