[“Fight against COVID” Cloud Group Courses] Associate Professor Liu Hong from the Department of Public Administration: Can the world “copy” China’s homework?


On the afternoon of April 10th, at the invitation of the Youth League Committee of the school, Liu Hong, a teacher of the Department of Public Administration, shared his views with more than 50,000 students online for more than an hour on the theme of the powerful measures taken by the Chinese government in the fight against the new crown pneumonia. , To explore the feasibility of applying China’s anti-epidemic experience to other countries’ anti-epidemic work. Teacher Liu Hong explained to the students from four aspects:


   As of April 10, according to statistics from Johns Hopkins University, the number of confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in the world has reached close to 1.6 million, and governments of all countries are facing tremendous pressure in the fight against the epidemic. WHO Director-General Tan Desai, known as the “commander-in-chief” of the global fight against the epidemic, said that the new crown pneumonia epidemic is a global crisis that requires countries around the world to respond. United Nations Secretary-General Guterres also said that the new crown pneumonia epidemic is the biggest test facing mankind since the establishment of the United Nations.


   The global pandemic of the new crown pneumonia epidemic has caused many cities and regions to be forced to shut down cities to prevent the spread of the epidemic, and the global economic development has therefore had to postpone its progress. JPMorgan Chase economists believe that by the end of 2021, the global output lost due to the epidemic will reach 5.5 trillion US dollars, which is almost equivalent to 8% of global GDP. The International Labor Organization reported on April 7 that 81% of the 3.3 billion working people in the world have been affected by the new crown pneumonia epidemic. The report predicts that the epidemic will reduce the total working hours of the global workforce by 6.7% in the second quarter of 2020, which is equivalent to 195 million full-time employees unemployed.


   China is the first country to be attacked by the new crown pneumonia epidemic. In the face of a previously unknown and extremely harmful virus, General Secretary Xi Jinping personally directed and deployed, and the whole nation mobilized and participated in all to fight the disease with the power of the whole country. Declare war. After unimaginable efforts to fight the epidemic, China won the first phase of the fight against the epidemic, setting a model for the world in fighting the new crown pneumonia epidemic, and winning precious time for other countries to fight the epidemic.


   As General Secretary Xi Jinping said: “The results achieved in the prevention and control work once again demonstrate the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the significant advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics.” Tan Desai spoke highly of China’s prevention and control work, saying that China’s speed of action Fastness and large scale are rare in the world, showing China’s speed and scale, which are China’s institutional advantages. People from all walks of life in the international community also believe that in the process of responding to the new crown pneumonia epidemic, China has shown efficient organizational capabilities and strong cohesion, which is a manifestation of China’s institutional advantages.


   Since the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, China has actively deployed and quickly carried out various anti-epidemic work on the one hand, and on the other hand shared information with the World Health Organization and other countries in a timely manner to minimize the impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic on the world. The top international academic journal “Science” published an online study on March 31st from 15 top global institutions in China, the United States, and the United Kingdom. 22 scientists jointly completed a study that concluded that Wuhan’s closure of the city played a vital role in curbing the new crown epidemic. It has delayed the spread of the new crown virus to other cities, and China has bought more preparation time for the world with the huge sacrifice of closing the city.


   At the same time, Chinese medical experts also actively sum up various experiences and lessons in the fight against the epidemic, and share and exchange with their counterparts in the world. Academician Zhong Nanshan stated at the International Sharing Conference on New Crown Epidemic Prevention and Control on April 2 that from China’s experience, closing cities in key areas of the epidemic, keeping people social distance, and wearing masks is definitely the best way to prevent the further spread of the epidemic. Professor Zhang Wenhong also explained the rapid detection and timely treatment of patients with new coronary pneumonia from five aspects when summing up Shanghai’s prevention and control experience on April 8. Based on China’s experience, the World Health Organization recommends that governments around the world take six key measures to combat the virus.


   Regrettably, however, judging from the current situation of epidemic prevention and control in major Western countries in the world, the precious time that the Chinese people have spent huge sacrifices in exchange for has not been cherished and used by these countries. On the contrary, under the guidance of misconceptions such as “New crown pneumonia is the flu” and other misconceptions, the contempt for the new crown pneumonia epidemic has led to the fact that although the epidemic has been controlled in China, it has spread rapidly around the world and brought people all over the world. Great pain and loss. The effective measures that China has always recommended to prevent the spread of the epidemic, such as closing the city, maintaining social distance, and wearing masks, have also been ignored due to the arrogance and prejudice of Western countries.


   The new crown pneumonia epidemic is a “big test” for countries all over the world, and this test is still in progress. As Academician Wang Chen said, although China’s current epidemic prevention and control effects are obvious, the understanding of the new crown virus is far from enough, and its transmission law is also lacking in imagination, so it is not time to take a breath, but also to check whether the epidemic is repeated. Be vigilant enough. In the global battle against the epidemic, a country’s phased victory is not the final victory. The development trend of the epidemic often depends on the “short board” with the worst control. Mike Ryan, director of the World Health Organization’s emergency plan, believes that in a sense, whether humanity can achieve a decisive victory against the new crown epidemic will largely depend on India’s ability to control the virus in the future.


   With the spread of COVID, although China is facing more and more severe challenges from home and abroad, we have always insisted on seeking common ground while shelving differences and working together to fight the epidemic side by side. Under the situation that the domestic epidemic in China is generally controllable, we will actively promote the world Go to other countries to provide support and help within its capacity. Because we are confident, “As long as we work together and help each other, we will be able to completely overcome the epidemic and usher in a better tomorrow for human development!”