International Exchange Symposium Held by the Department of International Economics and Trade of Business School


The Department of International Economics and Trade of Business School held a symposium on international exchange of international class teaching activities in conference Room 2 on June 18. Zhang Zheng, vice dean of the Business School, Luo Fang, director of the Department of International Economics and Trade, and Shen Qian, professor of Hujiang Institute attended the symposium. Students of international exchange programs such as international class of Department of International Economics and Trade and double degree program of French Brest Business School attended the symposium. The symposium was presided over by Han Bing, deputy director of the Department of International Economics and Trade.

Zhang Zheng, vice dean of Business School, introduced the International Development Strategy of Business School, and affirmed the efforts and achievements of the Department of International Economics and Trade, at the same time, affirmed that the international trade students participating in the international exchange program not only improve their professional accomplishment, but also improve their personal accomplishment, cultivate their confidence and ability in cross-cultural communication, and enhance their social adaptability and employment competitiveness, and encourage more international trade students to participate in international exchange programs.

Shen Qian, a teacher of Hujiang Institute, introduced the International Exchange Program of the school, the application process and points for attention. In the sharing and interactive session, three students who participated in the Double Degree International Exchange Program of the Brest Business School (BBS) in France reported on their one-year study life in France, and to share their experience in language learning, Curriculum Planning and project application, as well as learning and living in France. Representatives of the international class spoke up, both to recall the pleasant experience of studying in the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology and to share their difficulties in studying, and to thank the teachers and students who helped them.

Finally, Professor Luo Fang, head of Department of International Economics and Trade, made a speech and summarized the measures and results adopted by the department in response to the positioning of international talent training and the promotion of undergraduate education internationalization, students of international classes of Department of International Economics and Trade are encouraged to plan their English and professional courses reasonably, meet the requirements of international exchange program declaration as early as possible, and actively apply for international exchange program. International Exchange Symposium of Department of International Economics and Trade of Business School concluded smoothly.


At the symposium


Brest Business School exchange students


The representative of the international class made a speech