The Business School and Sino-British International College Held International Certification Exchange Meeting


On the afternoon of December 16th, the Business School and Sino-British International College held an international certification exchange meeting. Laura Bishop, Executive Dean of Sino-British International College, Liu Qin, Executive Vice President, Alastair Balchin, Director of External Affairs, Lee Henderson, Director of School of Business Administration, and Ni Wenyan, Administrative Assistant to Executive Dean; He Jianjia, Associate Dean of the Business School, Han Bing, Director of International Construction Office, Chen Jin, Teacher of Business Administration Department and Chinese head of business major at Sino-British International College, and Wei Xin and Gao Mengmeng from International Office attended the meeting.

Vice President He Jianjia first extended a warm welcome to the visiting British dean and business professional leader of Sino-British International College, and briefly reviewed the historical origin and dominant position of the discipline development of our college. He introduced the characteristics of the development of discipline groups in our college and its achievements in scientific research, teacher recruitment and curriculum construction, which provides favorable supporting conditions for international certification.

Combining with the AACSB certification, the Business School put forward pertinent suggestions on the certification application work to be carried out by Sino-British International College. Dean Laura Bishop thanked the Business School for its friendly suggestions, and introduced the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME), which Sino-British International College had joined, which can provide assistance and support for the future application of the Business School.

The two parties exchanged a series of contents about the basic requirements, qualification declaration and certification process of international certification projects such as AACSB and EQUIS. The two sides also discussed further cooperation intentions in the future, such as foreign teachers, international cooperation programs, summer practice classes for students, exchange programs for studying abroad, curriculum cooperation, and sharing of Chinese and English courses. The colleges of the two sides expect to complement each other's advantages and achieve mutual benefit through further cooperation.