The school of international business of Shanxi Normal University visited our school for investigation and communication


On May 13rd, Yin Haiyuan, Vice Dean, Yang Jing, Vice Secretary-General of the school of international business of Shanxi Normal University and others, a total of 8 people, came to our school for investigation and communication. Dean Zhao Laijun and Secretary-General Wang Wei of our school met with them with Vice Dean He Jianjia accompanied.

At 15:00 p.m., in the 506 conference room of the school, Vice Dean Zhang Zheng, He Jianjia had a discussion with the visiting guests, and relevant persons in charge of the internationalization construction office, undergraduate educational affairs office, party and government general office and student affairs office of the school participated in the discussion. The discussion was held by Vice Dean He Jianjia.

At the meeting, He Jianjia first welcomed all the visiting guests, and he mentioned that, opening up of education is an important part of China’s economic and social opening-up. The two business schools have similarities in exploring new modes, new paths and new development concepts for the internationalization of business school education in the new era, and are facing common challenges and tasks. It is hoped that, through in-depth communication, mutual learning, experiences and practice complementing each other, further improvement on the international education level and talents cultivation quality could be made for both sides.

Vice Dean, Zhang Zheng introduced the overall construction and development of the school from aspects of the its development history, scale, discipline construction, talents training and internationalization construction, and exchanged views with visitors on undergraduate cultivation, MBA and other work.

Yin Haiyuan briefly described the development process, development strategy, regional characteristics and discipline setting of the Business School of Shanxi Normal University, and pointed out that the development speed of business school is fast, but the current development has encountered bottlenecks, hoping to find a way to break the bottleneck and activate the pace of development through this discussion.

Subsequently, the visitors exchanged ideas with different departments of our school on AACSB International Certification and other related work. From AACSB certification information collection system to AOL learning security system construction, from teacher-student development work to school alumni work, from characteristic projects of the school to school-enterprise cooperation projects, relevant teachers in charge made detailed sharing in combination with previous international certification experience.   

During the visit, Han Bing, director of the international affairs office, and Xie Wei, Secretary of the office, accompanied the visitors to visit the USST History Museum and Hujiang International Cultural Park. Shi Jing and other relevant teachers warmly received the visitors, and introduced the history, development process, characteristic activities and cooperation projects of Hujiang International Cultural Park respectively in detail to the guests.

The scene of the meeting

A visit to the USST History Museum