Postgraduate of Business School Published SCI paper on a prestigious International journal—Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology


Recently, a paper co-authored by Professor Zhao Laijun and his postgraduate Zhou Jinpeng of Business School, Optimizing the design of an intra-city metro logistics system based on a hub-and-spokenetwork model, was published on a prestigious international journal Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology.




The first affiliation of the paper is Business School, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology. The first author is professor Zhao Laijun. Zhou Jinpeng a postgraduate student of the year 2019 and Li Huiyong, a postdoctor from Shanghai Jiao Tong University are listed as co-corresponding authors.

The study was based on intra-city distribution and underground logistics. Considering that the metro network has surplus capacity during off-peak periods, a intra-city logistics and distribution network assuming a hub-and-spoke structure was proposed on the basis of current metro network. A evaluation model was combined with a site selection model to identify addresses suitable for two types of metro logistics nodes (axle and spoke). Then models were solved through an intelligent optimization algorithm. Finally, the city of Shanghai was used as an empirical case and an optimization scheme was proposed for a metro logistics network layout suitable for Shanghai.

Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology under publisher Elsevier is an SCI-indexed journal ranked in zone 1 journal and specifically top journal in Engineering and Technology by Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) system. Its impact factor is 5.915, ranking in the top 5% in the discipline of Building and Construction as per Elsevier's 2020 CiteScore,


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