Dr. Lu Zhi from Business School of USST Published a Paper in the Top Journal IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics


Recently, Dr. Lu Zhi, a lecturer from Business School of USST has published a high-level academic paper entitled “A Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm for the Clique Partitioning Problem” in IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, a famous international journal. Its first author was Dr. Lu Zhi, and the first affiliation was the Business School of USST. The work was also done in collaboration with Zhou Yi, Associate Professor from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, and Hao Jin-Kao, Professor from the University of Angers, France (also co-corresponding authors).

The clique partitioning problem (CPP) belongs to a classic NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem in the field of operations research. The problem has a number of practical applications in areas, such as complex networks, data mining, bioinformatics, engineering, and is, however, computationally challenging. To solve this NP-hard problem, we propose the first evolutionary algorithm that combines a dedicated merge-divide crossover operator to generate offspring solutions and an effective simulated annealing-based local optimization procedure to find high-quality local optima. The new method, which belongs to the heuristic algorithm, can quickly find the approximate optimal solution of large-scale graphs within an acceptable time frame. The extensive experiments show a remarkable performance of the proposed approach compared to the state-of-the-art methods. The study enriches the toolkit of practical solution methods for the clique partitioning problem, which can be used as a theoretical foundation for addressing more complex NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems as well as providing high-quality solutions for practical problems. The study is important both theoretically and practically.

The study highlights the Business School’s booming discipline construction and increased scientific level, as well asits focus on the development of the artificial intelligence discipline and its high priority for faculty scientific research training.


The journal IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, which was founded in 1960 and was published by IEEE, covers the most recent research in the fields of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and computational intelligence, as well as cross-research with operations research or management. The journal’s current impact factor is 11.448. It belongs to the first district top journals of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), as well as one of the top journals in the fields of artificial intelligence, operations research or management, and other related disciplines.
