“Rehearsal for Skill Breakthrough, Seminar for Teaching Improvement”—The Department of Public Administration Held A Seminar on Teachigng Ideological and Political Course


In order to prepare for the 2021 Teaching Competition among Young Faculties of USST, the Department of Public Administration held a rehearsal in the second conference room of Block A of the Business School building on Oct 26, 2021. At the same time, all the attendants had a seminar on ideological and political teaching methods.

Before the actual rehearsal, Dr. QI gave a detailed introduction on the requirements of the teaching competition and asked the participants to read the documents carefully, polish the teaching contents carefully, and continuously improve teaching capability through the teaching rehearsal. In the rehearsal, DR. WU, a young faculty, previewed three designs and video clips for the teaching competition, which showed her basic teaching skills and features. After the rehearsal, the contestants made timely teaching reflection and summary.

Then, all the participants had a heated discussion about the principle of learning-centered teaching design, the diversification of teaching methods and teaching strategies, etc., especially focusing on the theme of how to integrate the ideological and political elements into the courses. The participants also put forward constructive suggestions to address the problems illustrated in the rehearsal.

Through this pre-competition rehearsal and teaching seminar, the participants strengthened their belief and were well prepared for the competition, which bears practical significance for the ideological and political education.

Translator: TAO Xiangming

Reviewer: ZHOU Huijun