The inaugural meeting of MEM Alumni Society of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology was successfully held


Recently, the inaugural meeting of MEM Alumni Society of the USST was held in Room 605, Block B of the Business School building on  Jungong Road Campus. MENG Baoquan, vice president and Secretary General of the Alumni Society and Party Secretary of College of Science USST,  WANG Yang, the deputy director of the Alumni Liaison Office, Professor YE Chunming, directorr of MEM program of the USST-BS, Dr. WANG Yonglian, directorr of the office of professional degree education center of the USST-BS, Dr. ZHOU Na, also the deputy director of the center, LIU Juanjuan, the supervsor for student adion, and representatives of MEM alumni attended the meeting. The meeting was presided by Dr. WANG Yonglian, directorr of the office of the professional degree education center of the USST-BS.

In the meeting, WANG Yang, deputy director of alumni Liaison Office of the USST, read out “The Reply on Agreeing to Establish MEM Alumni Society of the USST” and announced the establishment of USST MEM Alumni Society. The meeting deliberated and adopted “The List of the First Council of MEM Alumni Society of the USST” and “The Articles of MEM Alumni Society of the USST”. Professor ZHAO Laijun, dean of the USST-BS, and Party Secretary WANG Wei served as honorary president; Professor ZHANG Yongqing, vice dean of the USST-BS, Deputy Party Secretary PU Yingying and Professor YE Chunming served as honorary directors; TIAN Peiqi served as the first president; ZHANG Wei served as vice president;  XUE Ying served as secretary general; LI Binjie served as Deputy Secretary General; GE Libo and other 21 people were elected as council members.

Then, TIAN Peiqi, the first president of MEM Alumni Society, gave a speech. He expressed his gratitude for the cultivation of his alma mater and thanked the majority of alumni for their trust and support. He said that the founding of MEM Alumni Society is an opportunity to open the prelude to alumni activities, provide a platform for alumni to communicate and talk about friendship, enhance the feelings among alumni, and between alumni and alma mater. In the future, he will actively participate in the work of the Alumni Society and dedicate ideas and suggestions for the development of alma mater.

In the meeting, Professor YE Chunming, director of MEM program of the USST-BS, expressed warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to all leaders and alumni attending the meeting in their busy schedule, and introduced the development, talent training, exchange and cooperation of the university, the USST-BS and professional degree education center to the alumni representatives. He hoped alumni can pay attention to the development of the alma mater, and actively participate in the construction of MEM Alumni Society and contribute to the development of the alma mater. Professor YE Chunming sincerely invites alumni to return to the university to witness its development and progression.

In the end, MENG Baoquan, vice president and secretary general of the Alumni Society of the USST and Party Secretary the College of Science, congratulated the founding of MEM Alumni Society and elected members of the first MEM Council. He said that the Alumni Society should work in the areas of liaisoning with alumni, serving alumni, promoting alumni and convening alumni. It should give full play to the role of alumni directors. Alumni council  members should have a sense of responsibility and ion, actively invest in work, seek more alumni resources and conduct the work of Alumni Society better. At the same time, it was also hoped that MEM alumni and various Alumni Societies of the university can strengthen interaction and exchange, actively explore opportunities for joint construction and sharing between alumni and the school, and promote the better development of alumni affairs.

The founding of the MEM Alumni Society is also an important part of a series of celebrations for the 115th anniversary of the USST. MEM Alumni Society will combine its own characteristics to build a platform for communication, exchange and cooperation among MEM alumni, and between schools and alumni, so as to further contribute to the multual development of the alma mater and MEM.

Translator: ZHENG Yu

Reviewer: ZHOU Huijun