LUO Guofen, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Administration, and Others were Commended for Their Suggestions


People's cities are built by the people, and people's cities are for the people. On January 17, the Shanghai Municipal People's proposal solicitation office held the activity of building a better city and creating a better life - Shanghai people's proposal solicitation for everyone to talk on the 59th floor of Shanghai Magnolia Plaza. At the event, 100 outstanding people's suggestions in 2021 were commended. Among them, the proposal on building an education show belt in the riverside of Yangpu jointly submitted by Associate Professor LUO Guofen of the department of public administration, BS of our university and JIN Yaoqing of the School of Mechanical Engineering

was rated as the outstanding people's proposal of Shanghai in 2021.

In accordance with the relevant provisions of the regulations of the State Council on letters and visits, the regulations of Shanghai Municipality on letters and visits and the provisions of Shanghai Municipality on the collection of people's suggestions, the Shanghai Municipal People's suggestion collection office issued the honorary certificate and trophy of Shanghai excellent people's suggestion in 2021 to Comrade LUO Guofen. Dr. LUO Guofen was also invited to present awards to the winners as an awarding guest.

The golden key of urban governance, the golden fruit of benefiting the people.” Teachers and students of the department of public administration will always care about Shanghai's urban construction, enthusiastically participate in the solicitation of people's suggestions, and contribute wisdom to the construction and development of Shanghai.

Translator: CHEN Yanting

Reviewer: WEI Xin