Department of Public Administration faculty were invited to join the 2021 Annual Review of Yangpu People’s Suggestion Collection Work & Yangpu Binjiang Forum


In the morning of Jan. 28, 2022, 2021 Annual Review of Yangpu People’s Suggestion Collection Work & Yangpu Binjiang Forum was held in Binjiang Company at the Yangshupu Road. More than 20 people, including staff of the District People's Suggestion Collection Office, university representatives of East China University of Political Science and Law, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (USST), Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance, chief executives of law enforcement, judicial organs and window units, as well as some representatives of excellent advisors, gathered together to summarize the experience of cooperation between government and universities in the collection of people's suggestions and to put forward the working plan in the future. The meeting was hosted by Yang Zhen, Vice Chief of the People's Suggestion Collection Office of Yangpu District, who is also outstanding graduate from the Department of Public Administration of USST.

Vice Chief Yang Zhen hosted the forum

Meng Tao, Director of the People's Suggestion Collection Office, and Meng Qin, Deputy Director of the People's Suggestion Collection Office, introduced key accomplishments and highlights of the work of People's Suggestion Collection. Director Meng Tao expressed his gratitude to the citizens who cared about the development of Yangpu and enthusiastically contributed their suggestions and ideas. He pointed out that people had actively contributed their wisdom and power, and their suggestions were of high quality and value, and many of the "golden ideas" had been turned into "golden keys" for urban governance together with "golden fruits" for the benefit of the people. Deputy Director Meng Qin read out the "Decision on Commending Excellent People's Suggestions in 2021", which commended 11 excellent people's suggestions in total.

                              Deputy Director Meng Qin presented the prizes to excellent advisor representatives

Director Meng Tao made a concluding statement

Dr. Zhao Xin (in cooperation with Shao Yan), and Dr. Luo Guofen (in cooperation with Jin Yaoqing), both from the Department of Public Administration of Business School, were honored for their excellent people's proposal. Dr. Zhu Shuicheng, Head of the Department of Public Administration, reviewed the main history of the Business School and the Department of Public Administration's participation in people's proposal collection. He then thanked the District People's Proposal Collection Office for providing internship opportunities for students and promoting the education of people in colleges and universities through the specific social practice of people's proposal collection. Meanwhile, Dr. Zhu suggested that both sides should further give full play to their advantages, deepen the cooperation between the government and universities in the collection of people's suggestions, promote the collection of people's suggestions into colleges and universities, and achieve more and better achievements.

The trophy and certificate won by Dr. Luo Guofen

Dr. Zhu Shuicheng addressed a speech

Carrying out people's suggestion collection is a concrete action for Shanghai to deeply practice the important concept of people's city, which is an important initiative to deepen the whole process of people's democracy. The Business School of USST has actively cooperated with Shanghai and Yangpu District’s Office of People's Suggestion Collection. In September 2021, the two sides have carried out various forms of political-school cooperation on people's suggestion collection, after the negotiation between Prof. Zhao Laijun, Dean of Business School, and Director Meng Tao on the bilateral cooperation agreement. The work of promoting people's suggestion collection into colleges and universities and into classrooms has obtained its primary achievement.

In the next step, teachers and students of Business School as well as Department of Public Administration will further conscientiously implement the key speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s inspection of Shanghai, and form a habit of making suggestions, finding shortcomings and promoting improvement. They will devote themselves to make a good social survey, listen to the opinions of the masses, and continue to do a good job of urban development with a heart. On this basis, they will seriously write grounded people's suggestions, so as to put forward more "golden ideas" and help make a better city.