Guarding the campus, the Business School faculty anti-epidemic squad in action!


Since April 6, due to the epidemic prevention and control requirements, the university implemented the dormitory closed management. The teacher volunteers who stayed in the South Campus needed to distribute three meals a day for students, faculty and staff in the whole South Campus. Under the leadership of Party Secretary WANG Wei, the Business School formed an anti-epidemic team consisting of full-time teacher LIU Qinming, laboratory management teacher GAO Mengmeng, Party and Administration Office teacher HUANG Ruyun, counselors ZHONG Weibing, YUAN Junwei and ZHOU Qiang, including Party members, members of the Communist Youth League and the general public, and together with the teacher volunteers from sister colleges, disguised as delivery boys to deliver meals for teachers and students.



After the campus entered the quasi-closed-loop management of epidemic prevention and control, the cooperation in many voluntary activities such as nucleic acid testing and cafeteria triage made the members of the anti-epidemic squad full of tacit understanding with each other. In this meal delivery service, everyone divided the work and cooperated with each other: the packing team was responsible for meal packing, the transportation team transported the meals to the dormitory building, and the building team leader was responsible for coordinating the liaison of the dormitory area and forwarding the meals to the floor leaders in the dormitory building. The person in charge of each node coordinated and cooperated seamlessly to ensure that students can have hot meals on time with the highest efficiency and in the shortest time.




I've been revising my thesis recently in preparation for my graduation defense, but now that I can't get my computer, my thesis progress will be affected, will my graduation be delayed?, “The computer is in the lab, and the information I have prepared for the interview is still in the computer, What if I have to attend classes online tomorrow? Many students were not able to bring their computers and books back to their dormitories in time, and they were very anxious. After understanding the situation of the students, the anti-epidemic team of the school divided the work and cooperated, and the counselors were responsible for counting the location of the students' dormitories, laboratories and items. The other teachers delivered learning stuff like computers and books to hundreds of students in many rounds in four consecutive days to ensure that the students do not stop studying without interrupting their normal study, graduation and employment.



The sudden epidemic also made the life of three PhD students living in Shangli District difficult, and they only lived on instant noodles. Secretary WANG Wei was anxious after learning the situation. She contacted Mr. SHU Yiming, who lives in Shangli District. Under the coordination of Mr. SHU, several teachers, including ZHAO Laijun and SHI Hui, distributed their own living materials to several doctoral students. Dean ZHAO Laijun personally led a team to visit these doctoral students and conveyed Secretary WANG's sympathy and concern for them. Dean ZHAO said that the school will continue to care and support the difficulties in life. The difficulties are temporary, we must believe that the epidemic will pass, as doctoral students should be determined to maintain scientific research, persistence is victory, persistence can win, persistence will win!



The foreign teacher He Xuan (Hareesh), a new teacher this year, was not very familiar with the school environment. The anti-epidemic team knew about it and told him the location of the bathroom through various methods such as map positioning and video shooting. When he could not finish the nucleic acid test on time because he was preoccupied with his research work, the college actively communicated with the Human Resources Office and other departments to provide him with antigen testing reagents to be sent to the office for testing, and actively solved various problems he encountered in his life and work during his school days to adapt to campus life under the epidemic prevention and control.



In this difficult war epidemic, the faculty of the Business School showed a high sense of responsibility and mission, behind the normal life of students, study and research is their burden in the front, salute them! We firmly believe that unity is strength and perseverance is victory. Let's work together to overcome the difficulties and welcome the spring that will surely come, though late!

Translator: Zhou Yiwei

Reviewer: FU Wenhan