Eight Projects of USSTBS were Approved by the Shanghai Philosophy and Social Science Planning


On September 29th, 2023, the Shanghai Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science announced the list of projects of Shanghai Philosophy and Social Science Planning for the year 2023. 8 projects from our school were approved, including 3 general projects, 4 projects supported by the Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars and 1 self-funded project. The list is as follows: 


Project   Leader

Project   Title

Project   Type


He   Jianjia

Scenario-Driven   Collaborative Mechanism and Path Research for Pollution Reduction and Carbon   Emission in Ultra-Large Cities under the Trend of Industry Convergence

General project


Li   Yanan

Study   on the Responding Mechanism and Efficiency Improvement of Land Green   Utilization in Yangtze River Delta under the Background of High-quality   Integrated Development

General project


Tian   Fa

Research   on the Evaluation and Optimization Strategy of Tax Governance Effectiveness   for Digital Economy Enterprises

General project


Li   Wenxiang

Shanghai   Carbon Inclusive System for Green Travel Enabled by Mobility as a Service

Youth   Project


Qin   Jialiang

Research   on the Impact of Green Technology Transfer on Green Development Gap in the   Yangtze River Delta Region under the Synergy of Environmental Regulations

Youth   Project


Qin   Peng

Research   on Urban Feature Extraction Technology of Shanghai Image from the   Perspective of Overseas Media

Youth   Project


Zhu   Chenqiang

Lane-changing   Behavior Analysis for Connected and Autonomous Environment

Youth   Project


Zhang   Qing

In   the Context of an Aging Population, Artificial Intelligence Enables   High-quality Labor Force Development

Self-funded   Project

In recent years, USSTBS has hosted various academic reports and forums to focus on the frontiers of science, encourage faculty members to apply for government-sponsored research programs, and create an interdisciplinary research atmosphere.



 Translated by: Bai Yuting

                                                           Reviewed by: Nie Rui